2016 SIs

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The Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Act 2016 (Commencement) Regulations 2016

Statutory instruments 1258 (C.87) 2016

Corporate Author:
Great Britain
TSO (The Stationery Office)

Enabling power: Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Act 2016 s. 11 (4). Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2016 Act on the day on which the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ireland Establishing the Independent Reporting Commission, dated 13th September 2016 enters into force. Issued: 29.12.2016. Made: 20.12.2016. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General.

Extent 2p. ISBN 9780111152843
Size N/A Price £5.78
Format Paperback Published 29 Dec 2016
Availability Black and white copy, 1-3 days Delivery Delivery options and charges