Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA)

Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers 2015 Consolidated Edition

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £40.00

    The 'Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers 2015 consolidated edition' provides guidance on improving health and safety on board vessels and articulates how statutory obligations should be fulfilled. It is intended primarily for merchant seafarers on United Kingdom registered vessels.

    It is a statutory requirement for the Code to be carried on board all UK ships other than fishing vessels and pleasure craft. The Code contains essential health and safety information and it must be made available to any seafarer on board the ship who requests it.

    The consolidated 2015 edition includes:

    Code of Safe Working Practicesfor Merchant Seafarers 2015 edition

    • A new chapter outlining the importance of a good safety culture, including revised guidance on risk assessment.

    • New content on fatigue.

    • Revised chapter on entry into dangerous spaces, reflecting new SOLAS requirements, IMO Resolution A.27/Res.1050 and other best practice.

    • A new chapter on ergonomics.

    Extent N/A ISBN 9780115535901
    Size N/A Price £40.00
    Format Loose-leaf Published 31 May 2018
    Availability Superseded Title. Suggested title is 9780115540882. Delivery Delivery options and charges

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