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Gender equality in Colombia

Gender equality at work

Corporate Author:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

The OECD review of Gender Equality in Colombia: Towards a Better Sharing of Paid and Unpaid Work is the third in a collection of reports focusing on Latin American and the Caribbean countries, and part of the series Gender Equality at Work. The report compares gender gaps in labour and educational outcomes in Colombia with other countries. Particular attention is put on the uneven distribution of unpaid work, and the extra burden this places on women. It investigates how policies and programmes in Colombia can make this distribution more equitable. The first part of the report reviews the evidence on gender gaps and on what causes these, including the role played by attitudes. The second part develops a comprehensive framework to address these challenges, presenting a broad range of options to reduce the unpaid work burden falling on women, and to increase women's labour income. Earlier reviews in the same collection have looked at gender equality policies in Chile (2021) and Peru (2022)

Extent 87p. ISBN 9789264518100
Size N/A Price £12.00
Format Paperback Published 28 Sep 2023
Availability Out of stock - available to order Delivery Delivery options and charges

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