Fire Service manual: Vol. 1 Fire service technology, equipment and media

Corporate Author:
Great Britain H.M. Fire Service Inspectorate, Great Britain Home Office: Fire and Emergency Planning Directorate
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £27.50

    This new Fire Service Manual is designed to replace Book 7 of the Manual of Firemanship, hydraulics, pumps and pump operation. Much of the text is taken from that publication but the format is much changed. Hydraulics theory has been condensed to enable firefighters to understand the behaviour of water and the firefighting equipment it controls and make informed decisions regarding the supply and management of water

    Extent vi, 130p. ISBN 9780117541245
    Size N/A Price £27.50
    Format PDF Format help (opens in new window) Published 18 Jul 2014
    Availability Available Immediately