Building Regulations

Low or Zero Carbon Energy Sources: Strategic Guide

TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £7.50

    The desire to exploit LZC energy sources is driving the rapid development of many technologies and these are increasingly being installed in buildings, e.g. small-scale and micro-CHP units, photovoltaic panels, and building-mounted wind generators. 'Low or Zero Carbon Energy Sources: Strategic Guide' provides sufficient information to enable the reader to decide if a particular LZC energy source is appropriate for the building under consideration and to estimate the potential for carbon dioxide emissions reduction.

    Key features:

    • an introduction to LZC energy sources, focusing on building-integrated/building-attached applications;

    • a set of calculation methods to enable the carbon dioxide emissions reduction potential of individual LZC energy sources to be calculated in domestic and non-domestic building applications;

    • outline guidance on key issues for certain LZC energy sources where this is lacking in current literature; and

    • references to recommended performance standards and guidance information.

    Extent 28 pages ISBN 9780117036383
    Size A4 Price £7.50
    Format Paperback Published 22 May 2006
    Availability Out of Print: but may be available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges