Facilities for Rehabilitation Services


NHS Estates
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £85.00

    This Health Building Note covers facilities for rehabilitation services provided within acute general hospitals as well as a range of community settings.

    People who use rehabilitation services have widely differing needs and require a range of services in a variety of settings. The guidance refers to accommodation for adults; where children are treated, significant adaptations will be needed.This guidance adopts a modular approach to planning which describes facilities for separate elements of a general rehabilitation service that can be put together as circumstances dictate.

    Key Features:

    Schedules of accommodation are included, with approximate areas to enable designers to make an assessment of the sizes involved, but it is emphasised that the areas published do not represent recommended sizes, nor are they to be regarded in any way as specific individual entitlements.

    Extent 74 Pages ISBN 9780113226801
    Size A4 Price £85.00
    Format Paperback Published 27 Oct 2004
    Availability Out of Print: but may be available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges