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Empowering women farmers: a mechanization catalogue for practitioners

Corporate Author:
Food and Agriculture Organization
Scott Justice, Mayling Flores Rojas, Madhusudan S. Basnyat

Rural women across the world work along agri-food value chains performing numerous agricultural operations. Their work is increasingly affected by land degradation, climate change impacts, and out-migration. It is often unrecognised, unqualified, and unpaid. Moreover, the traditional division of labor often relegates women to manual, time-consuming operations with high degrees of drudgery. The combination of family responsibilities and insufficient access to critical services, information, and technologies, affects women's work burden and their potential for income generation. For example, fewer rights over land make it more difficult for women to access subsidies, finance, or mechanisation

Extent v, 49p. ISBN 9789251357910
Size N/A Price £20.95
Format Paperback Published 30 Jun 2022
Availability Out of stock - available to order Delivery Delivery options and charges

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