Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

CAP 543 Time Limited Task, Additional Inspections and Component Change Record - 2nd Edition, January 2005

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
Price: £7.85

    This second edition of CAP 543 is published to address the implementation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1592/2002. A correction is issued, 11 March 2005, because of an error in a table heading.

    References to EU regulation or EU websites in our guidance will not be an accurate description of your obligations or rights under UK law. Read more about the UK/EU transition on the CAA website (opens in new window).

    Extent 32 pages ISBN 9781904862840
    Size A5 Price £7.85
    Format Paperback Published 09 Jun 2005
    Availability In Stock: 1 - 2 days Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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