Fire and Rescue Authority Operational Guidance - Breathing Apparatus

Department for Communities and Local Government
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £29.99

    This guidance will provide support for the fire and rescue services in the resolution of incidents involving breathing apparatus. This supersedes Technical Bulletin 1/1997 Breathing Apparatus Command and Control Procedures ISBNs: 9780113411627, 9780113412228, 9780113412624 and the consolidated edition ISBN 9780113412631 .

    Fire and rescue service personnel operate in a dynamic and sometimes hazardous environment. The activities covered include incidents involving fire, water, height, road traffic collisions, chemicals, biological hazards, radiation and acts of terrorism.

    Operational guidance provides a consistency of approach and forms the basis for common operational practices.

    Extent 172 pages ISBN 9780117541146
    Size A4 Price £29.99
    Format Paperback Published 29 Jan 2014
    Availability Out of Print: but may be available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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