Economic development in Africa report 2022: rethinking the foundations of export diversification in Africa the catalytic role of business and financial services

Corporate Author:
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United Nations

The report examines how African countries can work towards diversifying their exports by identifying feasible and innovative mechanisms for investment and trade policies to drive incentives to divert economic activities into transformative sectors. It aims to equip African governments and development partners with knowledge on how to diversify exports and promote structural transformation through the services sector, financial services, and private businesses, underpinned by capable, inclusive, and accountable institutions at the national, regional, and global levels

Extent xv, 170p. ISBN 9789211130607
Size N/A Price £66.00
Format Paperback Published 29 Jul 2022
Availability Out of stock - available to order Delivery Delivery options and charges

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