Generic Risk Assessment 5.6 Public Order - Violence And Aggression Against Fire And Rescue Personnel

Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £20.99

    Generic risk assessment (GRA) 5.6 Public order - violence and aggression against fire and rescue personnel examines the significant hazards and control measures relating to threatened or actual:

    • Offensive behaviour

    • Abusive behaviour

    • Violence

    • A combination of all three towards fire and rescue personnel

    Planned and/or spontaneous public order events are not separate types of incidents for the Fire and Rescue Authority, but it do potentially create a hostile working environment and additional hazards when fire and rescue personnel are working in these situations.

    This generic risk assessment is focussed on:

    • Identified areas for potential violence and aggression towards fire and rescue personnel

    • Spontaneous events where fire and rescue personnel are already dealing with an incident and are subject, without warning, to violence and aggression. These can be isolated or a series of related or unrelated events over a wider area.

    Extent 23 pages ISBN 9780117540798
    Size A4 Price £20.99
    Format Loose-leaf Published 12 Aug 2013
    Availability Out of Print: but may be available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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