Integrating trade and decent work Volume 2: The potential of trade and investment policies to address labour market issues in supply chains


International Labour Organisation (ILO)
International Labour Office
Price: £23.00

    This second volume in the set focuses on how labour issues are currently reflected in trade and investment agreements and explores their implementation in practice.

    The volume examines how structural labour market issues can be addressed through trade governance instruments at different levels. It deepens our understanding of how labour market considerations, particularly labour standards, have been incorporated into trade and investment policy.

    It evaluates the efficacy of these measures and extracts insights for future policymaking. The research expands beyond a strictly legal analysis by taking into account the larger role that trade and investment policies play as a tool for achieving sustainable development.

    Extent xxiv + 322 pages ISBN 9789220374559
    Size 160mm x 240mm Price £23.00
    Format Paperback Published tbc
    Availability Not yet published:
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