Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers 2015 edition, amendment 6, October 2021


Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £20.00

Amendment 6 to the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers (COSWP) 2015 edition provides updates to Chapters 3, 4, 14, 18, 19, 20 and 26.

COSWP provides guidance on improving health and safety on board vessels and articulates how statutory obligations should be fulfilled. The Code details the regulatory framework for health and safety on board ship, safety management and statutory duties underlying the advice in the Code and the areas that should be covered when introducing a new recruit to the safety procedures on board.

It is a statutory requirement for the current edition of the Code to be carried on board all UK ships, other than fishing vessels and pleasure craft. The Code contains essential health and safety information and it must be made available to any seafarer on board the ship who requests it

Amendment 6 includes the following updates:

  • Chapter 3 - New section on the use of mobile phones and other personal electronic devices

  • Chapter 4 - Addition of new sub-sections and an annex on launching drills for lifeboats and rescue boats

  • Chapter 14 - Items added to the permits to work forms

  • Chapter 18 - Ropes and wires information rearranged Chapter 19 Updated advice on the regular examination of lifting equipment or accessories

  • Chapter 19 - Updated advice on the regular examination of lifting equipment or accessories

  • Chapter 20 - Information added about assistive-start substances and maintenance-free storage batteries

  • Chapter 26 - Addition of a new sub-section and annex on safe self-mooring operations and examples of mooring arrangements

The amendment consists of loose-leaf pages that replace select pages from the main edition binder.

Extent 206 pages ISBN 9780115540646
Size A4 Price £20.00
Format Loose-leaf Published 24 Nov 2021
Availability Not available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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