Fertiliser Manual RB209

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Fertiliser Manual RB209

A Fully Revised and Renamed Version of Defra's 'Fertiliser Recommendations for Agriculture and Horticultural Crops (RB209)'

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £29.00

    This manual has been produced for use by agricultural consultants, farmers and their agents and all other individuals and organisations concerned with developing and maintaining a sustainable agricultural industry in England and Wales.

    The principle of crop nutrition and soil fertility are presented briefly as background to the recommendation for the use of fertilisers, organic manures, including bio solids and composts and lime for field crops, grassland, vegetables, fruit and bio energy crops.

    It is an essential source of reference and advice for farmers, FACTS Qualified Advisers and those seeking qualification. This manual is also an authoritative source of advice in a book format that provides a national standard for England and Wales.

    Key Content

    The manual is split into ten sections. The sections include:

    • Section 1: Principles of nutrient management and fertiliser use

    • Section 2: Organic manures

    • Section 3: Using the recommendation tables

    • Section 4: Arable and forage crops

    • Section 5: Vegetables and bulbs

    • Section 6: Fruit, vines and hops

    • Section 7: Biomass crops

    • Section 8: Grass

    • Section 9: Other useful sources of information

    • Section 10: Appendices

    Extent 258 pages ISBN 9780112432869
    Size A4 Price £29.00
    Format Paperback Published 30 Jun 2010
    Availability Not available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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