Safeguarding state-owned enterprises from undue influence: implementing the OECD guidelines on anti-corruption and integrity in state-owned enterprises

Corporate governance

Corporate Author:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) remain vulnerable to being used as conduits for political finance, patronage, and personal or related-party enrichment. Lingering weaknesses in corporate governance and ownership arrangements can expose SOEs to such exploitation and undermine SOE efforts to uphold integrity. This report highlights these weaknesses and provides state owners with a better understanding of which activities are effective in insulating SOEs from undue influence. It also takes stock of how OECD member and participating countries are implementing relevant provisions of the OECD Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in SOEs, serving as the first report on the implementation of the Guidelines since their adoption in 2019

Extent 80p. ISBN 9789264546479
Size N/A Price £12.00
Format Paperback Published 26 Jan 2023
Availability Not yet published: available to order Delivery Delivery options and charges

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