Gender equality in the Czech Republic: strengthening government capacity for gender-sensitive and inclusive recovery

Corporate Author:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Despite recent progress to improve gender equality in the Czech Republic, several gender gaps persist in different areas of the society and economy. Based on growing evidence on how gender-sensitive policymaking can underpin inclusive growth and resilience, this OECD review has been developed to help the government of the Czech Republic strengthen its capacities for implementing and mainstreaming gender equality across the whole of government. It assesses strategic enablers such as legal and strategic frameworks, the institutional set-up, and accountability mechanisms for gender mainstreaming in the country. It also examines the tools and practices that can be used to inform gender-sensitive policymaking in the Czech Republic. Drawing upon promising practices across OECD countries, it offers evidence-informed recommendations, tailored to the Czech context to improve governance and capacities for accelerating progress in gender equality

Extent 148p. ISBN 9789264338999
Size N/A Price £16.00
Format Paperback Published 29 May 2023
Availability Out of stock - available to order Delivery Delivery options and charges

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