Health and Safety Executive

Electrical Safety on Construction Sites, HSG141 (Second edition)


Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Health and Safety Executive
Price: £17.15

Electricity can kill. Every year, the use of electricity on construction sites results in accidents. People suffer electric shocks and burns which can cause serious, sometimes fatal, injuries.

Construction sites present a challenging environment for managing electrical safety because:

  • work may be undertaken outdoors in all weathers;

  • frequent movement of plant, tools and materials increases the likelihood of damage to equipment;

  • existing, new and temporary electrical installations may all be present.

This second edition contains updated guidance on the precautions to take to reduce the risk of accidents involving electricity on construction sites for anyone planning, arranging or supervising construction work. The guidance is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1 Planning: The pre-construction phase.

  • Part 2 Managing electrical risks: The construction phase.

  • Part 3 Systems and equipment.

Also, includes practical information to help understand what the requirements of the relevant legislation may mean in practice. This includes the:

  • Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015)

  • Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EAWR 1989)

  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER 1998)

Extent 26 pages ISBN 9780717667086
Size N/A Price £17.15
Format Paperback Published 30 Jun 2023
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