Fire Service manual: Vol. 4 Fire service training

Corporate Author:
Great Britain H.M. Fire Service Inspectorate
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £19.17

    Training for firefighters must be planned so that they experience reasonably realistic situations in which they encounter the hazards likely to be met in operational incidents, whilst the risk of resultant injury is controlled and all unnecessary risks avoided. One hazard is that of high environmental temperature, which can present an acute risk of burn injury (eg through contact with hot debris) and a less acute risk of physiological heat stress; it is this latter risk which is addressed in this document. The guidance is based on a study of environmental temperatures during training sessions, together with the resultant body temperatures of those taking part. Measures outlined include: pre-exposure procedures; monitoring and control procedures during training; post-exposure control. An appendix describes the effects of heat on the body and heat-related disorders.

    Extent vi, 50p. ISBN 9780117541436
    Size N/A Price £19.17
    Format PDF Format help (opens in new window) Published 11 Apr 2014
    Availability Available Immediately