Consumer Focus Scotland
Consumer Focus is the new statutory organisation campaigning
for a fair deal for consumers in England, Wales, Scotland, and, for postal
services, Northern Ireland. Consumer Focus aims to be the voice of the
consumer, and to work to secure a fair deal on their behalf.
Consumer Focus has strong new legislative powers. These include the right to investigate any consumer complaint if they are of wider interest, the right to open up information from providers, the power to conduct research and the ability to make an official super-complaint about failing services. Find out more at
Consumer Focus Scotland's series of consumer guides provide detailed information and advice on key Scottish-specific issues for consumers.
Key Titles
Moving home is one of the most stressful and expensive events in everyday life. This practical guide explains the process of buying and selling in Scotland, outlining the various options open to you and explaining the factors to be considered at every stage. ...more
- Published: 28 May 2009
- ISBN: 9780114973506
- £3.95
This third edition is a new and updated version of the highly popular reference book, which offers parents an easy-to-use reference guide to the law on all aspects of children's education in Scotland. Covering the key pieces of legislation, it is a valuable source of reference ...more
- Published: 08 Dec 2008
- ISBN: 9780114973469
- £6.99
Supporting Children and Young People's Learning
A Handbook for Parents when Their Child Needs Additional Support
A parent's guide to additional support and learning, this book provides an easily accessible and clear guide to the key features of the 'Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004' (available ...more
- Published: 20 Dec 2005
- ISBN: 9780114973230
- £8.99