Daily List no. 059, for
The Daily List is divided into Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Scottish Official Publications, Northern Ireland Acts, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
This list is printed
under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
338 (W.92)
The Climate Change (Interim Emissions Targets) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 – 4p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Environment (Wales) Act 2016 / Deddf yr Amgylchedd (Cymru) 2016, ss. 30 (1), 32 (2) (b). – Issued: 23.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 17.03.2021. Laid before Senedd Cymru: -. Coming into force: 19.03.2021. Effect: SI. 2018/1304 (W. 258) amended. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. – In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Rheoliadau Newid yn yr Hinsawdd (Targedau Allyriadau Interim) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2021. – £4.90 – 9780348207897. Order here
The Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (Temporary Modification) Regulations 2021 – 2p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Energy Act 2008, ss. 100 (1) (2) (a) (b), 104 (2). – Issued: 23.03.3021. Sifted: -. Made: 17.03.2021. Laid: 18.03.2021. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1 (2). Effect: S.I. 2018/611 modified. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S. General. – £4.90 – 9780348221763. Order here
The Value Added Tax (Section 55A) (Specified Goods and Services and Excepted Supplies) (Amendment) Order 2021 – 4p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Value Added Tax Act 1994, s. 55A (9) (14). – Issued: 23.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 18.03.2021. Laid: 23.03.2021. Coming into force: 01.05.2021. Effect: S.I. 2010/2239 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. – £4.90 – 9780348221862. Order here
The Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 – 2p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, sch. 4, para. 7 (2). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 23.03.2021. Laid: -. Coming into force: 01.04.2021. Effect: S.I. 2012/3118 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. – Supersedes draft SI (ISBN 9780348220216) which published 22.02.2021. – £4.90 – 9780348221879. Order here
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Extension of the Relevant Period) Regulations 2021 – 4p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, ss. 20 (1) (c), 41 (1) (b). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 22.03.2021. Laid: 24.03.2021. Coming into force: 26.03.2021. Effect: 2020 c.12; S.I. 2020/1349 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. – For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament within forty days beginning with the day on which the instrument is made, subject to extension for periods of dissolution, prorogation or adjournment for more than four days. – £4.90 – 9780348221893. Order here
379 (W.119)
The A44 Trunk Road (Capel Bangor to Blaengeuffordd, Ceredigion) (40 mph and Part-time 20 mph Speed Limits) Order 2021 – Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss. 84 (1) (a) (c) (1A) (2), 124 (1) (d), sch. 9, para. 27. – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 23.03.2021. Laid before Senedd Cymru: -. Coming into force: 29.03.2021. Effect: S.I. 1975/1497 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: W. Local. – Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/wsi/2021/379/contents. – In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A44 (Capel Bangor i Flaengeuffordd, Ceredigion) (Terfyn Cyflymder 40 mya a Therfyn Cyflymder 20 mya Rhan-amser) 2021. – Non-print
The Customs (Tariff etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 – 4p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018, ss. 8,12 (1), 19, 31 (6) (7), 32 (7) (8) (13), sch. 2, para. 13, sch. 7 para. 1 (3) (c). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 23.03.2021. Laid: 24.03.2021. Coming into force: 14.04.2021. Effect: S.I. 2018/1249; 2020/1430, 1431, 1435 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. – £4.90 – 9780348221923. Order here
The Customs Tariff (Preferential Trade Arrangements and Tariff Quotas) (EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 – 8p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018, ss. 9 (1),11 (1) (3) (4), 17 (6) (7), 19 (1) (4), 31(6) (7), 32 (7) (8) (13). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 23.03.2021. Laid: 24.03.2021. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. Effect: S.I. 2020/1432, 1457 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. – £6.90 – 9780348221930. Order here
The Representation of the People (Proxy Vote Applications) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021 – 8p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Representation of the People Act 1983, s. 53 (1) and Representation of the People Act 2000, sch. 4, paras 3 (2), 4 (2) , 6(7) and Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, s. 58 (1). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 23.03.2021. Laid: -. Coming into force: 24.03.2021. Effect: S.I. 2001/341, 497; 2012/1917 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. – Supersedes draft S.I. (ISBN 9780348220339) published 03.03.2021. – £6.90 – 9780348221992. Order here
The Electricity Trading (Development of Technical Procedures) (Day-Ahead Market Timeframe) Regulations 2021 – 8p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: European Union (Future Relationship) Act 2020, s. 31 (1). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S. – For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament. – £4.90 – 9780348221824. Order here
The Food and Drink (Miscellaneous Amendments Relating to Food and Wine Composition, Information and Labelling) Regulations 2021 – 12p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, s. 8 (1), sch. 7, para. 21. – Issued: 24.03.2021. Sifted: -. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: S.I. 2014/1855; 2015/518, 1348; 2017/848 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. – This draft Statutory Instrument supersedes the draft of the same title which was laid before Parliament on 25th February 2021 and published on 25th February 2021 (ISBN 9780348220544). It is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that draft Statutory Instrument.– For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament. – £6.90 – 9780348221916. Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
24 March 2021. Containing all notices published on 23 March 2021. – 76p.: 30 cm. – £15.00 – 9780116895752. Order here
63302. 24 March 2021. Containing all notices published online on 23 March 2021. – p. 5581-5648: 30 cm. – £8.00. Available on annual subscription £1,980.00 (2021 rate) – 9780116898012. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
The A78 Trunk Road (Gallowgate Street, Largs) (Temporary Prohibition on Waiting and Temporary Prohibition on Loading and Unloading) Order 2021 – Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss. 2 (1) (2), 4 (1), 14 (1) (a) (4). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Made: 23.03.2021. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: -. Coming into force: 29.03.2021. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. Local. – Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2021/162/contents. – Non-print
The Scottish Parliament (Elections etc.) Amendment (Coronavirus) Order 2021. – 4p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Scotland Act 1998, ss. 12 (1), 113 (2) (4) (5). – Issued: 23.03.2021. Made: 23.03.2021. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: -. Coming into force: 24.03.2021. Effect: SSI. 2015/425 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. – Supersedes draft SSI (ISBN 9780111049457) published 17.02.2021. – £4.90 – 9780111050255. Order here
The Scottish Parliament Elections (Returning Officer Fees and Charges) Amendment Regulations 2021. – 4p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: SSI. 2015/425, art. 18. – Issued: 24.03.2021. Made: 24.03.2021 @10.51am. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 24.03.2021 @2.00pm. Coming into force: 06.04.2021. Effect: SSI. 2021/155 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. – This SSI has been made in consequence of a defect in SSI. 2021/155 and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that instrument.. – £4.90 – 9780111050262. Order here
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 18) Regulations 2021. – 8p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Coronavirus Act 2020, Sch. 19 para. 1(1). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Made: 24.03.2021 @11.37am. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 24.03.2021 @2.00pm. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. Effect: SSI. 2020/344 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. – For approval by resolution of the Scottish Parliament within 28 days beginning with the day on which the Regulations were made, not taking into account any period of dissolution or recess for more than 4 days.. – £4.90 – 9780111050279. Order here
Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
Functioning of Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 2021: chapter 3.. – 16p.: 30 cm. – An Act to amend sections 7 and 8 of the Civil Service (Special Advisers) Act (Northern Ireland) 2013, repeal the Civil Service Commissioners (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order in Council 2007, repeal the Civil Service Commissioners (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016, amend sections 17 and 27 of the Assembly Members (Independent Financial Review and Standards) Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 and to make additional provision for the functioning of government in Northern Ireland. Royal Assent, 22th March 2021.– £6.90 – 9780105962441. Order here
Budget Act (Northern Ireland) 2021: 2021 chapter 4.. – 56p.: 30 cm. – An Act to authorise the issue out of the Consolidated Fund of certain sums for the service of the years ending 31 March 2021 and 2022; to appropriate those sums for specified purposes; to authorise the use for the public service of certain resources for those years; to revise the limits on the use of certain accruing resources in the year ending 31 March 2021; and to authorise the Department of Finance to borrow on the credit of the sum appropriated for the year ending 31 March 2022. Royal Assent, 23rd March 2021.. – £11.50 – 9780105962458. Order here
This list is printed
under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
The Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 – 2p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Social Security Contributions and Benefits (Northern Ireland) Act 1992, ss. 122 (1) (d),131 (1), 171 (1) (3). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Made: 22.03.2021. Laid: 22.03.2021. Coming into operation: 01.04.2021. Effect: S.R. 2006/405 amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. General. – £4.90 – 9780338015747. Order here
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 6) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 – 4p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Public Health Act (Northern Ireland) 1967, ss. 25C (1) (3) (c) (4) (d), 25F (2). – Issued: 24.03.2021. Made: 24.03.2021 @12.00 noon. Laid: 24.03.2021 @2.00pm. Coming into operation: In accord. with reg. 1 (2). Effect: S.R. 2020/150 amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. General. – For approval of theAssembly before the expiration of 28 days beginning with the day on which they are made. – £4.90 – 9780338015761. Order here
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Change of Expiry Date in section 32(1)) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 – 2p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, s. 32 (3). – Issued: 23.03.2021. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into operation: 29.04.2021. Effect: 2020 c. 12 amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. – For approval. – £4.90 – 9780338015754. Order here
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
United Nations. General Assembly.
Official records.
Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its seventy-fourth session – ISSN 02527014Vol. 1: Resolutions 17 September - 27 December 2019. – 1178p.: 28 cm. – Part Sections I - IV. – £82.50 – 9789218600509. Order here
World Bank.
Africa development forum
International development in focus