Daily List no. 055, for
The Daily List is divided into Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Scottish Official Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Northern Ireland Official Publications, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 18th March 2019
553 (W.122) (C.13)
The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 (Commencement No. 9) Order 2019 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Housing (Wales) Act 2014 / Deddf Tai (Cymru) 2014, s. 145 (3). Bringing into operation various provisions of
the 2014 Act on 20 March 2019, in accord. with art. 2. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 11.03.2019. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial extent and
classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Deddf Tai (Cymru) 2014 (Cychwyn Rhif 9) 2019. - £6.90 - 9780348203936. Order here
422 (W.97)
The National Health Service (Clinical Negligence Scheme) (Wales) Regulations 2019 - 24p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006, ss. 30, 47 (1) (2), 203 (9) (10). - Issued:
18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 04.03.2019. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: 05.03.2019. Coming into force: 01.04.2019. Effect: S.I. 2004/478 (W. 48) amended and S.I. 1996/251 revoked. Territorial
extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Rheoliadau'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Cynllun Esgeuluster Clinigol) (Cymru) 2019. - £6.90 - 9780348203714. Order here
424 (W.98)
The Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - 28p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Education (Fees and Awards) Act 1983, ss. 1, 2 and Teaching and Higher
Education Act 1998, ss. 22, 42 (6). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 04.03.2019. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: 05.03.2019. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. (2). Effect: S.I. 2007/2310
(W. 181); 2014/3037 (W. 303); 2015/1484 (W. 163); 2017/47 (W. 21), 523 (W. 109); 2018/191 (W. 42), 656 (W. 124) amended. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title:
Rheoliadau Addysg (Cyllid Myfyrwyr) (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2019. - £6.90 - 9780348203721. Order here
463 (W.111)
The Rural Affairs, Environment, Fisheries and Food (Miscellaneous Amendments and Revocations) (Wales) Regulations 2019 - 24p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2) ,sch.
2, para. 1A and Animal Health Act 1981, ss. 1, 7 (1), 8 (1), 10, 14 (1), 23. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 05.03.2019. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: 06.03.2019. Coming into force:
28.03.2019. Effect: S.I. 1996/1106; 1999/1801; 2002/188 (W. 304); 2003/1855 (W. 205); 2005/1914 (W. 157); 2006/179 (W. 30), 2486; 2007/842 (W. 74), 3070 (W. 264), 3462 (W. 309); 2008/524 (W. 50), 1040
(W. 100), 1341 (W. 141); 2009/995 (W. 81), 3376 (W. 298); 2010/65 (W. 15), 1433 (W. 126), 1492 (W. 135), 1671 (W. 158); 2011/2379 (W. 252); 2013/1662 (W. 158), 1984 (W. 194); 2014/517 (W. 60);
2017/1041 (W. 270); 2018/647 (W. 121), 1064 (W. 223) amended and S.I. 1999/1110; 2001/2537 (W. 212); 2002/675 (W. 72); 2014/1835 (W. 189) revoked. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In
English and Welsh. Welsh title: Rheoliadau Materion Gwledig, yr Amgylchedd, Pysgodfeydd a Bwyd (Diwygiadau a Dirymiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2019. - £6.90 - 9780348203837. Order here
498 (W.115)
The Plant Health (Forestry) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2019 - 40p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Plant Health Act 1967, ss. 2, 3 (1) and European Communities Act 1972, sch. 2, para. 1A. - Issued: 18.03.2019.
Sifted: -. Made: 05.03.2019. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: 07.03.2019. Coming into force: 28.03.2019. Effect: S.I. 2005/2517 amended and S.I. 2004/3213; 2007/3450 revoked. Territorial extent and
classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Iechyd Planhigion (Coedwigaeth) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2019. - £11.50 - 9780348203875. Order here
507 (W.117)
The Sea Fish Licensing (Wales) Order 2019 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Sea Fish (Conservation) Act 1967, ss. 4 (1) (2), 4A, 15 (3), 20 (1). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 06.03.2019. Laid before the
National Assembly for Wales: 07.03.2019. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1. (1). Effect: S.I. 1992/2633; 1993/188, 2291; 1999/1820 revoked as applied to Wales in accord. with sch. 6. Territorial extent and
classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Trwyddedu Pysgota Môr (Cymru) 2019. - £6.90 - 9780348203899. Order here
511 (W.118)
The Agricultural Wages (Wales) Order 2019 - 60p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Agricultural Sector (Wales) Act 2014 / Deddf Sector Amaethyddol (Cymru) 2014, ss. 3, 4 (1), 17. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -.
Made: 06.03.2019. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: 08.03.2019. Coming into force: 01.04.2019. Effect: .S.I. 2018/433 (W. 76) revoked Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and
Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Cyflogau Amaethyddol (Cymru) 2019. - £11.50 - 9780348203905. Order here
The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - 88p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2) and European
Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, s. 8 (1), sch. 7, para. 21. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 08.03.2019. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. Effect: S.I. 2010/2617; 2011/1754, 1524 amended.
Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - EC note: Regulation (EC) no. 1275/2008, 244/2009, 245/2009, 278/2009, 640/2009, 641/2009, 642/2009, 643/2009; (EU) 1015/2010, 1016/2010; 327/2011;
206/2012;, 547/2012, 932/2012, 1194/2012; 617/2013, 666/2013, 813/2013, 814/2013; 66/2014, 548/2014, 1253/2014; 2015/1095, 2015/1185, 2015/1188, 2015/1189; 2016/2281; 2017/1369; Commission Delegated
Regulation (EU) 1059/2010, 1060/2010, 1061/2010, 1062/2010; 626/2011; 392/2012, 874/2012; 665/2013, 811/2013, 812/2013; 65/2014, 1254/2014; 2015/1094, 1186, 1187 amended. - £16.40 - 9780111183700.
Order here
The Equivalence Determinations for Financial Services and Miscellaneous Provisions (Amendment etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - 16p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018,
s. 8 (1). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 11.03.2019. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - Supersedes draft (ISBN
9780111178607) issued 22.01.19. EC note: Regulation (EU) 1092/2010; 1093/2010; 1094/2010; 1095/2010 revoked. - £6.90 - 9780111183670. Order here
The Transparency of Securities Financing Transactions and of Reuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - 20p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, s. 8 (1), sch. 7, para.
21. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 11.03.2019. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. Effect: S.I. 2016/715 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - Supersedes draft
(ISBN 9780111179376) issued 31.01.2019. - £6.90 - 9780111183687. Order here
The Higher Education (Registration Fees) (England) Regulations 2019 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Higher Education and Research Act 2017, ss. 70, 119 (5). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made:
11.03.2019. Laid: 12.03.2019. Coming into force: 06.04.2019. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - £6.90 - 9780111183694. Order here
The Storage of Carbon Dioxide (Amendment and Power to Modify) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2) and European Union (Withdrawal)
Act 2018, s. 8 (1), sch. 7, para. 21. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 11.03.2019. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. Effect: S.I. 2010/2221; 2011/1483, 2305 amended. Territorial extent and
classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - This Statutory Instrument corrects an error in S.I. 2010/2221 and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that Statutory Instrument. - £6.90 - 9780111183748.
Order here
545 (W.119)
The Local Authority Fostering Services (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 / Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a
Llesiant (Cymru) 2014, ss. 87, 92, 94A, 196 (2). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 12.03.2019. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: 13.03.2019. Coming into force: 29.04.2019. Effect: S.I. 2018/1339
(W. 261) amended. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Rheoliadau Gwasanaethau Maethu Awdurdodau Lleol (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2019. - £4.90 - 9780348203912.
Order here
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Trooping the Colour) Regulations 2019 - Enabling power: S.I. 2016/765, art. 239. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: 05.03.2019. Laid: -. Coming into force:
08.06.2019. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2019/565/contents. - Non-print
The Animal Health, Seed Potatoes and Food (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - 12p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, s. 8 (1), sch. 7, para. 21. -
Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with reg. 1. Effect: S.R. 2008/263; 2009/205; 2010/155, 248; 2016/190 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/NI. - For
approval by resolution of each House of Parliament. EC note: Commission Implemented Decision 2014/709/EU amended. - £6.90 - 9780111183731. Order here
The Geo-Blocking Regulation (Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, s. 8 (1). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Sifted: -. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming
into force: In accord. with reg. 1 (2). Effect: S.I. 2018/1153 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - EC note: Regulation (EU) 2018/302 revoked. - For approval by resolution of each House of
Parliament. - £4.90 - 9780111183724. Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The All notices gazette - Daily
18 March 2019. Containing all notices published online between 15 and 17 March 2019. - 156p.: 30 cm. - £13.00 - 9780116877611. Order here
62588. 18 March 2019. Containing all notices published online between the 15 and 17 March 2019. - p. 4733-4852: 30 cm. - £6.50. Available on annual subscription £1,638.00 - 9780116885876. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
Issued on 18th March 2019
The Sea Fish Licensing (Foreign Vessels) (EU Exit) (Scotland) Order 2019. - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Sea Fish (Conservation) Act 1967, s. 4 (1). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Made: 12.03.2019. Laid before the
Scottish Parliament: 12.03.2019. Coming into force: In accord. with art 1. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - £4.90 - 9780111041468. Order here
The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) (EU Exit) (Scotland) (Amendment) Regulations 2019. - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Sea Fish (Conservation) Act 1967, s. 4B. - Issued: 18.03.2019. Made: 12.03.2019.
Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 12.03.2019. Coming into force: See Articles Effect: S.S.I. 2011/70 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - £4.90 - 9780111041475. Order here
The Agriculture Market Measures (EU Exit) (Scotland) (Amendment) Amendment Regulations 2019. - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Made:
12.03.2019. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 13.03.2019. Coming into force: 27.03.2019. Effect: S.S.I. 2019/73 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - This SSI has been made in
consequence of a defect in S.S.I. 2019/73 and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that instrument.- £4.90 - 9780111041482. Order here
The Local Government Finance (Scotland) Order 2019. - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Local Government Finance Act 1992, sch. 12, paras 1, 9 (4). - Issued: 18.03.2019. Made: 12.03.2019. Laid before the
Scottish Parliament: -. Coming into force: 13.03.2019. Effect: S.S.I. 2018/91 partially revoked. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - Supersedes draft (ISBN 9780111040829) issued 13.02.19. - £4.90 -
9780111041499. Order here
Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
The Edinburgh gazette - Twice weekly
28156. 18 March 2019. Containing all notices published online between 13 and 17 March 2019. - p. 479-510: 30 cm. - £4.00. Annual subscription £404.00 (2019 rate) - 9780115052903. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 18th March 2019
The Social Security Revaluation of Earnings Factors Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992, ss. 130, 165 (4) (5). - Issued:
18.03.2019. Made: 12.03.2019. Laid: 12.03.2019. Coming into operation: 06.04.2019. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: NI. General. - £4.90 - 9780338010605. Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The Belfast gazette - ISSN 09510370 - Irregular
8138. 18 March 2019. Containing all notices published online between 11 and 17 March 2019. - p. 201-224: 30 cm. - £3.90 Annual subscription £198.90 including gazette and supplements (2019 rate) - 9780337781490. Order here
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
United Nations.
Treaty series: treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations - ISSN 03798267 - Irregular
Vol. 2884. 2013. I. Nos. 50320-50333. - vi, 415p.: 24 cm. - Sales no.: TS2884. - In several languages. - £39.50 - 9789219008700. Order here
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Review of maritime transport 2018 - ISSN 05667682. - xiii, 102p., col. figs, tables: 30 cm. - UN publication sales no. E.18.II.D.5; UNCTAD/RMT/2018. - £91.95 - 9789211129281. Order here
United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe.
ECE energy series
Coordinated operations of flexible coal and renewable energy power plants: challenges and opportunities - ISSN 1014-7225. - 41p., col. maps, col. figs, tables: 30 cm. - UN publications sales no. E.17.II.E.19;
ECE/ENERGY/114. - £43.50 - 9789211171402. Order here