Daily List no. 162, for
The Daily List is divided into Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Scottish Official Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Northern Ireland Official Publications, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 21st August 2017
The London Overground (Barking Riverside Extension) Order 2017 - 60p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Transport and Works Act 1992 ss. 1, 5 sch. 1 paras 1 to 5, 7, 8, 10, 11,
15 to17. - Issued: 21.08.2017. Made: 15.08.2017. Laid: -. Coming into force: 05.09.2017. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - £10.00 - 9780111159583.
Order here
The Co-ordination of Regulatory Enforcement Regulations 2017 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008, ss. 22C (1) (b) (c) (2) (4)
(5); 25A (2); 25D (1) (2); 28A (1) (9) (10) (11), sch. 4A, para. 9. - Issued: 21.08.2017. Made: 11.08.2017. Laid: 15.08.2017. Coming into force: 01.10.2017. Effect: None.
Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - £6.00 - 9780111159576. Order here
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Portsmouth and the Solent) Regulations 2017 - Enabling power: S.I. 2016/765, art. 239. - Issued: 21.08.2017. Made: 15.08.2017.
Laid: -. Coming into force: 16.08.2017. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/838/contents/made. -
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Notting Hill, London) (Emergency) (Revocation) Regulations 2017 - Enabling power: S.I. 2016/765, art. 239. - Issued:
21.08.2017. Made: 15.08.2017 @14.00 hours. Laid: -. Coming into force: With immediate effect. Effect: S.I. 2017/695, 696 (non prints) revoked. Territorial extent and
classification: E. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/839/contents/made. - Non-print
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Topcliffe) Regulations 2017 - Enabling power: S.I. 2016/765, art. 239. - Issued: 21.08.2017. Made: 16.08.2017. Laid: -. Coming
into force: 03.09.2017. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/840/contents/made. - Non-print
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The All notices gazette - Daily
21 August 2017. Containing all notices published between 18 and 20 August 2017. - 100p.: 30 cm. - £5.15 - 9780116871770. Order here
62028. 21 August 2017. Containing all notices published online between 18 and 20 August 2017. - p. 15769-15852: 30 cm. - £2.30. Available on annual subscription £465.00 - 9780116880284. Order here
21 August 2017. Containing all notices published between 18 and 20 August 2017. - 20p.: 30 cm. - £2.30 - 9780116871787. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
Issued on 21st August 2017
The A737/A738 Trunk Road (Townend Street, Dalry) (Temporary Prohibition on Waiting, Loading and Unloading) Order 2017 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation
Act 1984 ss. 2 (1) (2), 4 (1), 14 (1) (a) (4). - Issued: 21.08.2017. Made: 18.08.2017. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: -. Coming into force: 27.08.2017. Effect: SSI. 2017/264
(non print) revoked. Territorial extent and classification: S. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/265/contents/made. - Non-print
Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
The Edinburgh gazette - Twice weekly 27912. 21 August 2017. Containing all notices published online between 16 and 20 August 2017. - p. 1485-1508: 30 cm. - £1.55. Annual subscription £109.00 (2017 rate) - 9780115050466. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 21st August 2017
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: S.I. 1978/1039 (NI.9), arts 17 (1) to (5), sch. 3 para. 9,
13. - Issued: 21.08.2017. Made: 15.08.2017. Laid: 15.08.2017. Coming into operation: 31.10.2017. Effect: S.R. 1982/429 amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI.
General. - £4.25 - 9780338008381. Order here
The Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: S.I. 1991/762 (NI.7), arts 15 (2), 16 (1)
(2), 47 (2). - Issued: 21.08.2017. Made: 09.08.2017. Laid: -. Coming into operation: 14.09.2017. Effect: S.R. 2012/384 amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. General. -
EC note: These regs provide continued enforcement of Commission Regulation (EU) no. 10/2011. - £6.00 - 9780338008398. Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The Belfast gazette - ISSN 09510370 - Irregular
7973. 21 August 2017. Containing all notices published online between 14 and 20 August 2017. - p. 601-616: 30 cm. - £1.30 Annual subscription £82.00 including gazette and supplements - 9780337779848. Order here
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare.
Guide to the quality and safety of tissues and cells for human application. - 3rd ed. 2017. - 459p., ill., tables: 24 cm. - Implementation Date: 31.07.2017. - Reference: PUB200261. - £36.00 - 9789287184436. Order here
International Monetary Fund.
Fiscal politics - Vitor Gaspar, Sanjeev Gupta, Carlos Mulas-Granados. - 550p.: 23 cm. - £32.50 - 9781475547900. Order here
A work in progress: integrating markets for goods, labor, and capital in the East African community - Emre Alper ... [et al]. - xi, 63p., col. ill., figs: 23 cm. - £20.50 - 9781475560350. Order here
World Bank.
Urban development series
East Asia and Pacific cities: expanding opportunities for the urban poor - Judy L. Baker (editor), Gauri U. Gadgil (editor). - xxviii, 193p., col. ill., figs, tables: 26 cm. - £32.50 - 9781464810930. Order here