Daily List no. 107, for
The Daily List is divided into Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 3rd June 2016
The Crown Court (Recording) Order 2016 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Crime and Courts Act 2013, s. 32 (1). - Issued: 03.06.2016. Made: 26.05.2016. Laid:
-. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - Supersedes draft SI (ISBN 9780111145661) issued
30/03/16 - £4.25 - 9780111147269. Order here
616 (W.169)
The A494 Trunk Road (Dee Bridge, Queensferry, Flintshire) (Temporary 50 mph Speed Limit) Order 2016 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act
1984 ss. 14 (1) (4) (7). - Issued: 02.06.2016. Made: 26.05.2016. Laid: -. Coming into force: 01.06.2016. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: W. Local. -
Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/wsi/2016/616/contents/made. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A494 (Pont Afon Dyfrdwy,
Queensferry, Sir y Fflint) (Terfyn Cyflymder 50 mya Dros Dro) 2016. - Non-print
617 (W.170)
The A40 Trunk Road (Gibraltar Tunnels, Monmouth, Monmouthshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Vehicles and 40 mph Speed Limit) Order 2016 - Enabling
power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss. 14 (1) (4) (7). - Issued: 03.06.2016. Made: 01.06.2016. Laid: -. Coming into force: 05.06.2016. Effect: None. Territorial
extent and classification: W. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/wsi/2016/617/contents/made. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Cefnffordd
yr A40 (Twnelau Gibraltar, Trefynwy, Sir Fynwy) (Gwahardd Cerbydau Dros Dro a Therfyn Cyflymder 40 mya) 2016. - Non-print
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The All notices gazette - Daily
3 June 2016. Containing all notices published online on 2 June 2016. - 96p.: 30 cm. - £5.00 - 9780116846471. Order here
61600. 3 June 2016. Containing all notices published online on 2 June 2016. - p.12475-12570: 30 cm. - £2.25. Available on annual subscription £450.10 - 9780116866004. Order here
3 June 2016. Containing all notices published online on 2 June 2016- 16p.: 30 cm. - £2.25 - 9780116846488. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
Issued on 3rd June 2016
The A82 Trunk Road (North Ballachulish to Corran Ferry Cycle Track) (Redetermination of Means of Exercise of Public Right of Passage) Order 2016 -
Enabling power: Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, ss. 2 (1), 152 (2). - Issued: 03.06.2016. Made: 02.06.2016. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: -. Coming into force:
16.06.2016. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2016/189/contents/made. - Non-print
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
Food and Agriculture Organization.
FAO animal production and health guidelines
The feed analysis laboratory: establishment and quality controlsetting up a feed analysis laboratory, and implementing a quality assurance system compliant with
ISO/IEC 17025:2005. - 100p.: 25 cm. - £36.50 - 9789251080719. Order here
The state of forest genetic resources in the SEC region: the Republican of Azerbaijan country reportbilingual English and Russian. - 100p.: 30 cm. - £28.95 - 9789250076751. Order here
International Labour Office.
Growth with equity series
World Bank.
World Bank studies