Daily List no. 035, for
The Daily List is divided into Acts, Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Northern Ireland Assembly Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
Issued on 18th February 2015
Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 Chapter 6: explanatory notes. - 38, [1]p.: 30 cm. - These notes refer to the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (c.6) (ISBN 9780105406150) which received Royal Assent on 12 February 2015. - Ł10.00 - 9780105606154. Order here
National Insurance Contributions Act 2015 Chapter 5: explanatory notes. - 29, [1]p.: 30 cm. - These notes refer to the National Insurance Contributions Act 2015 (c.5) (ISBN 9780105405153) which received Royal Assent on 12 February 2015. - Ł10.00 - 9780105605157. Order here
Stamp Duty Land Tax Act 2015 Chapter 1: explanatory notes. - [12]p.: 30 cm. - These notes refer to the Stamp Duty Land Tax Act 2015 (c.1) (ISBN 9780105401155) which received Royal Assent on 12 February 2015. - Ł6.00 - 9780105601159. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 18th February 2015
199 (C.13)
The Traffic Management Act 2004 (Commencement No. 8) (England) Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Traffic Management Act 2004, s.
99. Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2004 Act on 06.04.2015 in accord. with art. 2. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 09.02.2015. Laid: -.
Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129418. Order here
223 (C.15)
The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (Commencement No. 6) Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Local Audit and Accountability Act
2014 s. 49 (1) (5). Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2014 Act on 12.02.2015, in accord. with art. 2. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made:
11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129623. Order here
The A5 Trunk Road (Caldecote - Mancetter) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act
1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 29.12.2014. Coming into force: 05.01.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. -
Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/3555/contents/made. - Non-print
The A2 Trunk Road (Cobham Interchange - Cycle Track) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation
Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 15.12.2014. Coming into force: 17.01.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local.
- Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/3556/contents/made. - Non-print
88 (W.7)
The Prohibition of Keeping or Release of Live Fish (Specified Species) (Wales) Order 2015 - 12p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities
Act 1972, ss. 1 (1), 2 (2). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 28.01.2015. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: 02.02.2015. Coming into force:
27.02.2015. Effect: S.I. 1998/2409; 2003/416 (W.60) revoked and S.I. 2011/2292 partially revoked. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In
English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Gwahardd Cadw new Ollwng Pysgod Byw (Rhywogaethau Penodedig) (Cymru) 2015. - Ł6.00 -
9780348110418. Order here
194 (W.9)
The Education Workforce Council (Additional Functions and Revocation) (Wales) Order 2015 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Education (Wales)
Act 2014, ss. 5, 47 (1) (2). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 10.02.2015. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: -. Coming into force: 01.04.2015.
Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg (Swyddogaethau
Ychwanegol a Dirymu) (Cymru) 2015. - Ł6.00 - 9780348110463. Order here
195 (W.10)
The Education Workforce Council (Registration Fees) (Wales) Regulations 2015 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Education (Wales) Act 2014, ss.
12, 36, 47 (1) (2). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 10.02.2015. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: -. Coming into force: 01.04.2015. Effect: None.
Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Rheoliadau Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg (Ffioedd Cofrestru) (Cymru)
2015. - Ł6.00 - 9780348110470. Order here
200 (S.1)
The Scottish Administration (Offices) Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Scotland Act 1998, s. 126 (8) (b). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made:
11.02.2015. Laid before Parliament: 16.02.2015. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 16.02.2015. Coming into force: 01.04.2015. Effect: None. Territorial
extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129425. Order here
The Scotland Act 1998 (River Tweed) Amendment Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Scotland Act 1998, ss. 111, 113 (2) (3) (4) (5) (7). -
Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: 12.02.2015. Effect: S.I. 2006/2913 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S.
General. - Supersedes draft S.I. (ISBN 9780111121931) issued 21.10.2014. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129456. Order here
The Government of Wales Act 2006 (Amendment) Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Government of Wales Act 2006, s. 109. - Issued:
18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: 12.02.2015. Effect: 2006 c. 32 amended. Territorial extent and classification: UK but practical
application is limited to Wales. General. - Supersedes draft S.I. (ISBN 9780111122921) issued 10.11.2014. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129463. Order here
The Education (Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales) Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Education Act 2005, s. 19 (1). -
Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: 12.02.2015. Effect: S.I. 2010/1553 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: W.
General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129470. Order here
The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (External Investigations) (Scotland) Order 2015 - 20p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, ss.
445, 459 (2). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 16.02.2015. Coming into force: 16.03.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification:
S. General. - Ł6.00 - 9780111129487. Order here
The Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 - 48p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Marriage Act 1949, ss. 27 (1), 27A (3) (4) (7), 27B (2) (b), 28G (1)
(3), 31 (2) (5) (5D), 35 (1), 55 (1), 57 (2), 74 (1) (b) (3), 76 (5) and Marriage (Registrar General's Licence) Act 1970, ss. 2 (1), 7, 18 and Registration
Service Act 1953, s. 20 (a). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 05.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: 02.03.2015. Effect: S.I. 2005/3177 partially revoked and
S.I. 1986/1442; 1997/2204; 1999/1621; 2005/155; 2009/2806; 2011/1172 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - Ł10.00 -
9780111129494. Order here
The Naval, Military and Air Forces Etc. (Disablement and Death) Service Pensions (Amendment) Order 2015 - 12p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power:
Social Security (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1977, ss. 12 (1), 24 (3). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force:
06.04.2015. Effect: S.I. 2006/606 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - Ł6.00 - 9780111129500. Order here
The Exempt Charities Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Charities Act 2011, sch. 3, para. 4 (1) (a). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015.
Laid: -. Coming into force: 12.02.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129524. Order here
211 (S.2)
The Scotland Act 1998 (Functions Exercisable in or as Regards Scotland) Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Scotland Act 1998, s. 30 (3).
- Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: 28.02.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. -
Supersedes draft S.I. (ISBN 978111121832) issued 21.10.2014. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129531. Order here
The Football Spectators (Corresponding Offences) (Revocation) Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Football Spectators Act 1989, ss. 22
(1). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force: 11.03.2015. Effect: S.I. 1990/992, 993; 1992/708, 1724; 1996/1634,
1635; 1998/1266; 2000/1108, 1109 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129548. Order here
The Russia, Crimea and Sevastopol (Sanctions) (Overseas Territories) (Amendment) Order 2015 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Saint Helena Act
1833, s. 112 and British Settlements Act 1887 and 1945. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force: 11.03.2015.
Effect: S.I. 2014/2710 amended. Territorial extent and classification: Anguilla, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cayman Is., Falkland
Is., Montserrat, Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Is., St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Is., the
Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia (Cyprus), Turks and Caicos Is., Virgin Is. General. - EC note: This Order gives effect in specified Overseas
Territories to provisions in Council Decision 2014/872/CFSP which amends certain restrictive measures imposed on Russia by Council Decision
2014/512/CFSP. In addition, this Order gives effect to further sanctions imposed on Crimea and Sevastopol by Council Decision 2014/933/CFSP. - Ł6.00 -
9780111129555. Order here
The Parliamentary Commissioner Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967, s. 4 (2). - Issued: 18.02.2015.
Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force: 06.04.2015. Effect: 1967 c. 13 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. -
Ł4.25 - 9780111129562. Order here
The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendment) Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s. 2 (2). - Issued: 18.02.2015.
Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1. Effect: 1971 c.38 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. -
Supersedes draft S.I. (ISBN 9780111125861) issued 22.12.2014. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129579. Order here
The Copyright and Performances (Application to Other Countries) (Amendment) Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988, ss. 159, 208. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force: 06.04.2015. Effect: S.I. 2013/536
amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129586. Order here
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Code of Practice for Officers exercising functions under Schedule 1) Regulations 2015 - 2p.: 30
cm. - Enabling power: Counter-Terrorism Act 2015, s. 19 (3), sch. 1. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 12.02.2015. Laid: 12.02.2015. Coming into force:
13.02.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament within forty days
beginning with the day on which the Regulations were made.. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129593. Order here
The Yemen (Sanctions) (Overseas Territories) Order 2015 - 16p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: United Nations Act 1946, s. 1 and Saint Helena Act 1833,
s. 112 and British Settlements Acts 1887 and 1945. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force: 11.03.2015. Effect:
None. Territorial extent and classification: Anguilla, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cayman Is., Falkland Is., Montserrat, Pitcairn,
Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Is., St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Is., the Sovereign Base Areas of
Akrotiri and Dhekelia (Cyprus), Turks and Caicos Is., Virgin Is. General. - Ł6.00 - 9780111129609. Order here
The Cattle Identification (Amendment) Regulations 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2). - Issued:
18.02.2015. Made: 12.02.2018. Laid: 13.02.2015. Coming into force: 06.04.2015. Effect: S.I. 2007/529 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E.
General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129616. Order here
The European Parliamentary Elections (Forms) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2015 - 20p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Parliamentary
Elections Act 2002, s. 7 (1) (4) (4A). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1 (2). Effect: S.I. 2004/1267
amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. General. - Supersedes draft S.I. (ISBN 97801111266530) issued 13/01/15. - Ł6.00 - 9780111129708.
Order here
The Inspectors of Education, Children's Services and Skills Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Education and Inspections Act 2006, s. 114
(1). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: 12.02.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - Ł4.25
- 9780111129630. Order here
The Education (Prescribed Courses of Higher Education) (Information Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015 - 172p.: 30 cm. - Enabling
power: Further and Higher Education Act 1992, s. 79 (c). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 12.02.2015. Laid: 13.02.2015. Coming into force: 01.04.2015.
Effect: S.I. 2014/2179 revoked. Territorial application and classification: E General. - Ł25.50 - 9780111129654. Order here
The Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2015 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Employment Relations Act 1999, s. 34. - Issued: 18.02.2015.
Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 13.02.2015. Coming into force: 06.04.2015. Effect: S.I. 2014/382 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S. General. -
Ł4.25 - 9780111129661. Order here
The Control of Noise (Code of Practice for Construction and Open Sites) (England) Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Control of Pollution
Act 1974, s. 71 (1) (b) (2) (3). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 13.02.2015. Coming into force: 06.04.2015. Effect: S.I. 2002/461 revoked.
Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129678. Order here
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Communications Data) (Amendment) Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Regulation of
Investigatory Powers Act 2000, ss. 22 (2) (h), 25 (1) (g) (3) (4). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1.
Effect: S.I. 2010/480 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - Supersedes S.I. draft (ISBN 9780111125083) issued 15/12/14. -
Ł4.25 - 9780111129685. Order here
The Crime and Courts Act 2013 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Crime and Courts Act 2013, s. 58 (4) (j).
- Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 12.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1. Effect: 2002 c.29 amended. Territorial extent and classification:
NI. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129692. Order here
The Health Service Medicines (Control of Prices and Supply of Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power:
National Health Service Act 2006, ss. 261 (7), 262 to 265, 266 (1) (a) (2), 272 (7) (8). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 10.02.2015. Laid: 17.02.2015.
Coming into force: 09.03.2015. Effect: S.I. 2007/1320; 2008/3258 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - Ł4.25 -
9780111129722. Order here
The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) (Environmental Standards) Order (Amendment) 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Civil Aviation Act
1949, s. 8 (1) (2) (p) and Civil Aviation Act 1982, s. 108 (1). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force: 11.03.2015.
Effect: S.I. 2014/2926 amended. Territorial extent and classification: All the British Overseas Territories except Gibraltar. General. - This Statutory Instrument
has been printed to correct an error in the The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) (Environmental Standards) Order 2014 (S.I. 2014/2926, ISBN
9780111123065) and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients that Statutory Instrument. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129760. Order here
The Railways (North and East London Lines) Exemption Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Railways Act 1993, s. 24 (1) (2). - Issued:
18.02.2015. Made: 11.02.2015. Laid: 18.02.2015. Coming into force: 31.05.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S. General. -
Ł4.25 - 9780111129791. Order here
The Cornwall Council (A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement) (Correction) Order 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Planning Act 2008,
s. 119, sch. 4. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 12.02.2015. Laid: -. Coming into force: 13.02.2015. Effect: S.I. 2015/147 amended. Territorial extent and
classification: E. Local. - This Statutory Instrument has been made in consequence of a defect in S.I. 2015/147 (ISBN 9780111128978) and is being issued
free of charge to all known recipients of that Statutory Instrument. - Ł4.25 - 9780111129852. Order here
The A66 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 - Enabling power: Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 05.02.2015. Coming into force: 22.02.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and
classification: E. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/268/contents/made. - Non-print
The Bank of England Act 1998 (Macro-prudential Measures) (No.2) Order 2015 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Bank of England Act 1998, ss. 9I
(2), 9L. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: 01.01.2019, for the purpose of the article 4(b); 06.04.2015, for the remainder. Effect:
None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - This draft Statutory Instrument supersedes the draft of the same title which was laid before Parliament
and published on 2 February 2015 (ISBN 978-0-11-112844-2) and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that draft Statutory Instrument.
For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament.- Ł4.25 - 9780111129371. Order here
The Bank of England Act 1998 (Macro-prudential Measures) Order 2015 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Bank of England Act 1998, ss 9I (2), 9L. -
Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: 06.04.2015. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - This draft Statutory
Instrument supersedes the draft of the same title which was laid before Parliament and published on 2 February 2015 (ISBN 978-0-11-112842-8) and is
being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that draft Statutory Instruments. For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament.- Ł4.25 -
9780111129364. Order here
Draft Cor.
The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 (correction slip) - 1 sheet: 30 cm. - Correction slip (to
ISBN 9780111128350) dated February 2015. - Free Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The All notices gazette - Daily
18 February 2015. Containing all notices published online on 17 February 2015. - 104p.: 30 cm. - Ł3.00 - 9780116836748. Order here
18 February 2015. Containing all notices published online on 17 February 2015. - 88p.: 30 cm. - Ł2.00 - 9780116836724. Order here
61145. 18 February 2015. Containing all notices published on 17 February 2015. - p. 2837-2932: 30 cm. - Ł2.00. Available on annual subscription Ł428.00 - 9780116861450. Order here
18 February 2015. Containing all notices published online on 17 February 2015. - 12p.: 30 cm. - Ł2.00 - 9780116836731. Order here
Code of practice for the housing and care of animals bred, supplied or used for scientific purposes. - xiii, 212p., figs, tables: 30 cm. - Dated December 2014. A TSO version of a title previously published by HM Government.. - Ł38.75 - 9780108561290. Order here
Northern Ireland Assembly.
Standing orders: [Northern Ireland Assembly] . - [February 2015 amendments]. - [26]p., looseleaf with binder holes: 17 cm. - Amendments to May 2011 edition (ISBN 9780339403574). - Ł3.00 - 9780339404472. Order here
Official report (Hansard) - ISSN 14637162 - Twice weekly
Session 2014-2015. Vol. 102. No. 2. Tuesday 17 February 2015. - [2], 72p.: 30 cm. - Ł5.00. Available on annual subscription Ł325.00 - 9780339507586. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 18th February 2015
57 (C.6)
The Child Maintenance (2008 Act) (Commencement No. 15) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Child Maintenance Act
(Northern Ireland) 2008, s. 41 (1). Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2008 Act on 14.02.2015; 23.03.2015 in accord. with art. 2. - Issued:
18.02.2015. Made: 13.02.2015. Coming into operation: -. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: NI. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780337996207. Order
The Planning (Claims for Compensation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011,
ss. 186 (2), 247 (1). - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 13.02.2015. Coming into operation: 01.04.2015. Effect: S.R. 2006/238 revoked. Territorial extent and
classification: NI. General. - Ł4.25 - 9780337996214. Order here
The One-Way Traffic (Belfast) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 - Enabling power: S.I. 1997/276 (N.I. 2), art. 4 (1) (2) (3). - Issued:
18.02.2015. Made: 16.02.2015. Coming into force: 09.03.2015. Effect: S.R. 2009/49 amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/nisr/2015/59/contents/made. - Non-print
The Parking and Waiting Restrictions (Belfast) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 - Enabling power: S.I. 1997/276 (N.I. 2), art. 4 (1) (2)
(3), 10 (4), 13 (1), sch. 1, para. 5, sch. 4, para. 5. - Issued: 18.02.2015. Made: 16.02.2015. Coming into force: 09.03.2015. Effect: S.R 2008/180
amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/nisr/2015/60/contents/made. - Non-print
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
International Labour Office.
Labour markets, institutions and inequality: building just societies in the 21st century - Janine Berg (editor). - 425p.: 24 cm. - Ł30.00 - 9789221286578. Order here
International Transport Forum.
ITF transport outlook 2015. - 170p., col. figs, tables: 28 cm. - Ł36.00 - 9789282107645. Order here
Roundtable reports
Valuing convenience in public transport - ISSN 2074-3378. - 179p., figs, tables: 28 cm. - Ł45.00 - 9789282107676. Order here
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Development Assistance Committee.
OECD development co-operation peer reviews
Austria 2015 - ISSN 2309-7124. - 110p., figs, tables: 28 cm. - Ł32.00 - 9789264227941. Order here