Daily List no. 178, for
The Daily List is divided into Parliamentary Publications, Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Scottish Official Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Northern Ireland Official Publications, HM Government Publications, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
Issued on 12th September 2014
House of Commons bills - Session 2014-15
EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) Bill.. - [8]p.: 30 cm. - Private members' Bill published on 12 September 2014. A Bill to require an independent audit of the
benefits and costs of UK membership of the European Union.- £3.00 - 9780215077196. Order here
Public Services (Ownership and User Involvement) Bill.. - [12]p.: 30 cm. - Private members' bill published 12 September 2014. A Bill to promote public ownership of public
services; to introduce a presumption in favour of service provision by public sector and not-for-profit entities; and to put in place mechanisms to increase the accountability,
transparency and public control of public services, including those operated by private companies. - £3.00 - 9780215077202. Order here
Sessional returns session 2013-14 8 May 2013 - 14 May 2014.. - [1], 343p., tables: 30 cm. - On cover and title page: House, committees of the whole House, general committees
and select committees. On title page: Returns to orders of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 16 June 2014 (the Chairman of Ways and Means). - £26.00 - 9780215078049.
Order here
Local Government Chief Officers' remuneration second report of session 2014-15: report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. - Communities and Local
Government Committee - Clive Betts (chairman). - [3], 32p.: 30 cm. - £10.00 - 9780215075970. Order here
Sustainability in the Home Office fourth report of session 2014-15: report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. - Environmental Audit Committee - Joan Walley
(chair). - [2], 26p.: 30 cm. - £9.00 - 9780215075925. Order here
Strengthening health systems in developing countries fifth report of session 2014-15: report, together with formal minutes. - International Development Committee - Sir
Malcolm Bruce (chairman). - [2], 44p.: 30 cm. - £11.00 - 9780215075932. Order here
Future Army 2020 Government response to the Committee's ninth report of session 2013-14: seventh special report of session 2014-15. - Defence Committee - Rory Stewart
(chair). - [2], 26p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 576, session 2013-14 (ISBN 9780215068842). - £8.50 - 9780215078056. Order here
Appointment of Anthony Habgood as chairman of the Court of the Bank of England fourth report of session 2014-15: report, together with formal minutes relating to the
report. - Treasury Committee - Andrew Tyrie (chairman). - [2], 15p.: 30 cm. - £6.00 - 9780215078094. Order here
Local Government funding assurance to Parliament: thirteenth report of session 2014-15: report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. - Committee of Public
Accounts - Margaret Hodge (chairman). - [2], 16p.: 30 cm. - £6.50 - 9780215075949. Order here
More complaints please! and time for a People's Ombudsman Service: Government response to the Committee's twelfth and fourteenth reports of session 2013-14: third special
report of session 2014-15. - Public Administration Select Committee - Bernard Jenkin (chairman). - [2], 5p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 229, session 2013-14 (ISBN
9780215070890). - £5.00 - 9780215075956. Order here
Local transport expenditure who decides?: Government response to the Committee's seventeenth report of session 2013-14: second special report of session 2014-15. - Transport
Committee - Louise Ellman (chairman). - [2], 4p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 1140, session 2013-14 (ISBN 9780215072863). - £3.50 - 9780215076014. Order here
Putting passengers first disruption at Gatwick, Christmas Eve 2013: Airport Operators response to the Committee's fourteenth report of session 2013-14: third special report of
session 2014-15. - Transport Committee - Louise Ellman (chairman). - [2], 4p.: 30 cm. - Airport Operators response to HC 956, session 2013-14 (ISBN 9780215070821). - £3.50 -
9780215076007. Order here
The use of Diego Garcia by the United States Government response to the Committee's first report of session 2014-15: second special report of session. - Foreign Affairs
Committee - Sir Richard Ottaway (chairman). - [2], 2p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 377, session 2014-15 (ISBN 9780215073112). - £3.00 - 9780215076021. Order here
Primates as pets Government response to the Committee's eleventh report of session 2013-14: second special report of session 2014-15. - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Committee - Anne McIntosh (chairman). - [2], 3p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 984, session 2013-14 (ISBN 9780215072887). - £3.50 - 9780215078032. Order here
Managing the care of people with long-term conditions Monitor's response to the Committee's second report, session 2014-15: third special report of session 2014-15. - Health
Committee - Sarah Wollaston (chairman). - [2], 3p.: 30 cm. - Monitor's response to HC 401, session 2014-15 (ISBN 9780215073273). - £3.50 - 9780215078063. Order here
Modern Slavery Bill
8th sitting, Thursday 11 September 2014 (morning) - Public Bill Committee - Mark Pritchard (chair). - cols 315-344: 30 cm. - PBC (Bill 008) 2014-2015. - £6.00 - 9780215072269. Order here
House of Commons official report - [6th series] - ISSN 03098826 - Daily, unrevised
[Session 2014-15] Vol. 585. No. 37. Thursday 11 September 2014. - cols 1057 - 1164, 353WH - 394WH, 41WS - 44WS, 651W - 742W, [5]p.: 30 cm. - £5.00. Available on annual subscription £865.00 - 9780215075222. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government
Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 12th September 2014
The Gas and Electricity Regulated Providers (Redress Scheme) (Amendment) Order 2014 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007, s.
47 (1) to (3). - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 01.07.2014. Laid: 08.09.2014. Coming into force: 08.08.2014. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S. General. - £4.25 -
9780111120378. Order here
The Tuberculosis (England) Order 2014 - 16p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Animal Health Act 1981, ss. 1, 7 (1), 8 (1), 15 (4), 25, 87 (2), 88 (2). - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made:
02.09.2014. Laid: -. Coming into force: 01.10.2014. Effect: S.I. 2007/740; SI 2012/1391; SI 2014/714 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - £6.00 -
9780111120422. Order here
The Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel) Order 2014 - 340p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Planning Act 2008, ss. 37, 114, 115, 120, 122, 123. Issued:
12.09.2014. Made: 03.09.2014. Coming into force: 24.09.2014. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. Local. - £39.25 - 9780111120439. Order here
The Plant Health (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2014 - 20p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Plant Health Act 1967, ss. 2, 3 (1) and European Communities Act 1972, sch. 2
para. 1A. - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 03.09.2014. Laid: 08.09.2014. Coming into force: 01.10.2014. Effect: S.I. 2005/2530 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E.
General. - £6.00 - 9780111120446. Order here
The Register of Presumed Deaths (Fees) Regulations 2014 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Presumption of Death Act 2013. - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 05.09.2014. Laid:
09.09.2014. Coming into force: 01.10.2014. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - £4.25 - 9780111120453. Order here
The Register of Presumed Deaths (Prescribed Information) Regulations 2014 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Presumption of Death Act 2013 sch. 1 paras. 1 (1) (b), 1 (2) (a), 1
(3), 2 (1) (b), 2 (4). - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 05.09.2014. Laid: -. Coming into force: 01.10.2014. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - £4.25 -
9780111120460. Order here
The Renewables Obligation Closure Order 2014 - 12p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Electricity Act 1989, ss. 32K, 32LA. - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 08.09.2014. Laid: -. Coming
into force: 09.09.2014 in accord. with art. 1. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S. General. - Supersedes draft S.I. (ISBN 9780111117262) issued 02.07.2014. -
£6.00 - 9780111120477. Order here
The Immigration and Nationality (Cost Recovery Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, ss. 51
(3), 52 (1) (3) (6). - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 04.09.2014. Laid: 10.09.2014. Coming into force: 01.10.2014. Effect: S.I. 2014/581 amended. Territorial extent and classification:
E/W/S/NI. General. - £4.25 - 9780111120507. Order here
The A3 Trunk Road (Ripley By-Pass) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (Amendment) Order 2014 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). -
Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 05.09.2014. Coming into force: 08.09.2014. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/2419/contents/made. - Non-print
The M5 Motorway (Junctions 20-21) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 12.09.2014.
Made: 09.09.2014. Coming into force: 12.09.2014. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/2431/contents/made. - Non-print
The A30 Trunk Road (Launceston to Okehampton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s.
14 (1) (a). - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: 09.09.2014. Coming into force: 13.09.2014. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/2432/contents/made. - Non-print
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The All notices gazette - Daily
12 September 2014. Containing all notices published online on 11 September 2014. - 88p.: 30 cm. - £3.00 - 9780116833440. Order here
12 September 2014. Containing all notices published online on 11 September 2014. - 68p.: 30 cm. - £2.00 - 9780116833426. Order here
60987. 12 September 2014. Containing all notices published online on 11 September 2014. - p. 17781-17868: 30 cm. - £2.00. Available on annual subscription £428.00 - 9780116859877. Order here
12 September 2014. Containing all notices published online on 11 September 2014. - 16p.: 30 cm. - £2.00 - 9780116833433. Order here
Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
The Edinburgh gazette Company law official notifications supplement - Weekly
27456. 12 September 2014. Supplement to the Edinburgh gazette of 12 September 2014 1 PDF. - [251]p.: 30 cm. - - Free download from www.edinburgh-gazette.co.uk/issues/27456/supplements/1. Complete file available by email @ £2.00 + VAT (please note that customers will receive the email with the file after receiving an order confirmation email). These issue covers the period from 29 August 2014 to 12 September 2014. There was no issue for 5 September 2014. - £2.00 + VAT - 9780114996338. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government
Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 12th September 2014
The Local Government (Indemnities for Members and Officers) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2014 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Local Government (Northern
Ireland) Order 2005, art. 33. - Issued: 12.09.2014. Made: -. Coming into operation: -. Effect: S.R. 2012/422 amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. - For approval. - £4.25
- 9780337994869. Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The Belfast gazette Company law official notifications - ISSN 09510370 - Weekly
7653. 12 September 2014. Supplement to the Belfast gazette of 12 September 2014. - 1 downloadable PDF. - [54]p. - Free download from www.belfast-gazette.co.uk/issues/7653/supplements/1. Complete file available by email @ £2.00 + VAT (please note that customers will receive the email with the file after receiving an order confirmation email). email). These issue covers the period from 29 August 2014 to 12 September 2014. There was no issue for 5 September 2014. - £2.00 + VAT - 9780337776632. Order here
These titles are published by HM Government and are available at https:/www.gov.uk/government/publications.
Command Papers (Cm.)
Government response to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee report Ensuring access to working antimicrobials. -. Science and Technology
Committee. - [2], 14p.: 30 cm. - Print and web pdfs available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications. - Reply to HCP 509, session 2014-15 (ISBN 9780215073402). - Free
Government response to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee report UK policy towards Iran. -Foreign and Commonwealth Office. - [10]p.: 30 cm. - Dated
September 2014. Print and web pdfs available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications. Government response to the Committee's 3rd report, HC 547, session 2014-15
(ISBN 9780215073501). - Free
Government response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee report into long-term conditions (second report of session 2014-15). -Department of Health. - [2],
19p.: 30 cm. - Print and web pdfs available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications. - Reply to HCP 401, session 2014-15 (ISBN 9780215073273). - Free
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
International Energy Agency.
Energy balances of non-OECD countries. - 2014 ed. - xix, [536]p., figs, chiefly tables: 27 cm. - On cover: IEA statistics. - £108.00 - 9789264217072. Order here
Natural gas information 2014: with 2013 data. - xxx, [613]p., col. maps, figs, tables: 27 cm. - On cover: IEA statistics. - £148.00 - 9789264217058. Order here
Renewables information 2014: with 2013 data. - iv, [462]p., figs, chiefly tables: 27 cm. - On cover: IEA statistics. - £99.00 - 9789264216914. Order here
United Nations. Economic and Social Council.
Official records, 2012: supplement
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): biennial report (2010-2011) - ISSN 02571811. - 212p.: 28 cm. - UN publications sales no. E.12.II.G.40.
- £29.00 - 9789218802606. Order here