Daily List no. 088, for
The Daily List is divided into Parliamentary Publications, Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Stationery Office Publications, Scottish Official Publications, Northern Ireland Assembly Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
Issued on 7th May 2013
House of Commons papers - Session 2010-12
Bioenergy oral and written evidence. - Energy and Climate Change Committee - Tim Yeo (chairman). - [3], Ev 24p.: 30
cm. - £7.50 - 9780215057389. Order here
702-i and ii
BIS annual report and accounts 2011-12 oral and written evidence, Tuesday 30 October 2012 and Tuesday 22 January
2013. - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee - Adrian Bailey (chairman). - [4], Ev 49p.: 30 cm. - The BIS annual
report published as HC 60, session 2012-13 (ISBN 9780102979039). - £10.50 - 9780215057341. Order here
Independent Police Complaints Commission IPCC response to the Committee's eleventh report of session 2012-13: ninth
special report of session 2012-13. - Home Affairs Committee - Keith Vaz (chairman). - [2], 20p.: 30 cm. - IPCC response
to HC 494, session 2012-13 (ISBN 9780215053299). The Government's response to the Committee was included in Cm.
8598 (ISBN 9780101859820). - £6.00 - 9780215057334. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 7th May 2013
The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations
2013 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Children Act 1989, ss. 22C (11), 26 (1) (2), 31A (3), 59 (2) (3A), 104 (4), sch. 2,
paras 12E, 12F (1) (3) and Care Standards Act 2000, ss. 22 (7) (c), 118 (5) (6). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 30.04.2013.
Laid: 07.05.2013. Coming into force: 01.07.2013. Effect: S.I. 2010/959; 2011/581 amended. Territorial extent and
classification: E. General. - £5.75 - 9780111538890. Order here
The Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013 - 20p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Children Act
1989, ss. 22C (11), 26 (3) to (3B), 104 (4), sch. 2, para. 12F (1) (b) and Adoption (Intercountry Aspects) Act 1999, s. 1 (1)
(3) and Adoption and Children Act 2002, ss. 4, 9 (1) (a), 11 (2) (3), 12, 45 (1) (2), 54, 83 (4) (5), 140 (7) (8), 142 (5). -
Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 30.04.2013. Laid: 07.05.2013. Coming into force: 01.07.2013. Effect: S.I. 2005/389, 392, 691,
1711, 1712, 3390; 2006/1738; 2009/395 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - £5.75 -
9780111538906. Order here
The Bus Lane Contraventions (Approved Local Authorities) (England) (Amendment) and Civil Enforcement of
Parking Contraventions Designation Order 2013 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Traffic Management Act 2004, sch. 8,
para. 8 (1), sch. 10, para. 3 (1) and Transport Act 2000, s. 144 (3) (b). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 30.04.2013. Laid:
03.05.2013. Coming into force: 30.05.2013. Effect: S.I. 2011/2431; 2005/2755 amended and S.I. 2002/2186; 2008/2567
revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - £5.75 - 9780111538869. Order here
The Transport for Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order 2013 - 8p.:
30 cm. - Enabling power: Transport and Works Act 1992, ss. 1, 5, sch. 1, paras 1, 2, 7, 8, 17. - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made:
29.04.2013. Laid: -. Coming into force: 20.05.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - £4.00 -
9780111538838. Order here
The Electricity (Exemption from the Requirement for a Generation Licence) (Markinch) Order 2013 - 2p.: 30 cm. -
Enabling power: Electricity Act 1989, s. 5. - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 29.04.2013. Laid: 02.05.2013. Coming into force:
01.06.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S. General. - £4.00 - 9780111538845. Order here
The M25 Motorway and the A12 and A1023 Trunk Roads (M25 Junction 28) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic)
Order 2013 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 18.03.2013.
Coming into force: 06.04.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1035/contents/made. - Non-print
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2013 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power:
Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999, s. 2, sch.1, and European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2). - Issued: 07.05.2013.
Made: 29.04.2013. Laid: 03.05.2013. Coming into force: 23.05.2013. Effect: S.I. 2012/3038 amended. Territorial extent and
classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - EC note: These regulations implement Decision 377/2013/EU derogating temporaily from
Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community. - £4.00 -
9780111538913. Order here
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Dunsfold) Regulations 2013 - Enabling power: S.I. 2009/3015, art. 161. -
Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 25.04.2013. Coming into force: 24.08.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E.
Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1038/contents/made. - Non-print
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Eastbourne) Regulations 2013 - Enabling power: S.I. 2009/3015, art. 161.
- Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 25.04.2013. Coming into force: 15.08.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E.
Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1040/contents/made. - Non-print
The A3 Trunk Road (Wisley Interchange - Esher Common Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013
- Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 18.03.2013. Coming into
force: 06.04.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1041/contents/made. - Non-print
The A45 Trunk Road (Nene Valley Way, Northampton) (Temporary Prohibition and Restriction of Traffic) Order
2013 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 15.03.2013. Coming
into force: 22.03.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1045/contents/made. - Non-print
The A49 Trunk Road (Edgar Street, Hereford) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 - Enabling power:
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 14 (1) (a). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 15.03.2013. Coming into force: 22.03.2013.
Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1044/contents/made. - Non-print
The Energy Supply Company Administration Rules 2013 - 98p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Insolvency Act 1986, s. 411
and Energy Act 2004, s. 159 (3). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 30.04.2013. Laid: 03.05.2013. Coming into force:
07.06.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - £16.00 - 9780111538937. Order here
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (RNAS Culdrose) Regulations 2013 - Enabling power: S.I. 2009/3015, art.
161. - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 30.04.2013. Coming into force: 24.07.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and
classification: E. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1051/contents/made. - Non-print
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Manston Airport) Regulations 2013 - Enabling power: S.I. 2009/3015, art.
161. - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 30.04.2013. Coming into force: 22.06.2013. Effect: None. Territorial extent and
classification: E. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1052/contents/made. - Non-print
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The London gazette - ISSN 03743721 - Daily
60497. Tuesday 7 May 2013. - p. 8953-9064: 30 cm. - - £2.00. Available on annual subscription £425.00 - 9780116854971. Order here
60496. Tuesday 7 May 2013. Ministry of Defence. Supplement no. 1 to the London gazette of Friday 3 May 2013. - p. 8949-8952: 30 cm. - - £5.75 - 9780116854964. Order here
7 May 2013. Supplement to the London gazette of 7 May 2013. - 1 downloadable PDF. - 1870p. - Free download from www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/824127/supplements/1. Complete file available by email @ £2.00 + VAT (please note that customers will receive the email with the file after receiving an order confirmation email). - £2.00 + VAT - 9780116824127. Order here
Managing benefits: optimizing the return from investments [PDF] - Steve Jenner. - 1 PDF. - xi, 297p., col. ill., figs, tables: 30 cm. - - £50.00 + VAT - 9780117081802. Order here
Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
The Edinburgh gazette - Twice weekly
27245. Tuesday 7 May 2013. - p. 1113-1128: 30 cm. - - £1.25. Annual subscription £100.00 (2013 rate) - 9780114994228. Order here
Official report (Hansard) : written answers to questions - ISSN 14637162 - Weekly
Vol. 84. No. WA3. Friday 3 May 2013. - [2], WA 227 - WA 354, [5]p.: 30 cm. - £5.00. Annual subscription £325.00 - 9780339702936. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 7th May 2013
The Animals and Animal Products (Examination for Residues and Maximum Residue Limits) (Amendment)
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 - 8p: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2), sch. 2,
para. 1A and S.I. 1991/762 (N.I.7), arts 15 (1) (a) (b) (f), 15 (3), 16 (1) (2), 25 (1), 47 (2), sch. 1, para. 7. - Issued:
07.05.2013. Made: 01.05.2013. Coming into operation: 31.05.2013. Effect: S.R. 1998/237 amended. Territorial extent and
classification: NI. General. - EC note: These Regulations amend S.R. 198/237 that provided for the enforcement of Council
Regulation 2377/90. That regulation has now been replaced and these regulations make supplementary provision to provide for
the enforcement of its successor Regulation 470/2009 laying down Community procedures for the establishment of residue
limits of pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin. In addition these regulations provide for the
enforcement of Commission Regulation 37/2010. - £4.00 - 9780337991110. Order here
The Loading Bays on Roads (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2013 - Enabling power: S.I. 1997/276 (N.I. 2),
arts 10 (4), 13 (1). - Issued: 07.05.2013. Made: 02.05.2013. Coming into force: 23.05.2013. Effect: S.R. 2007/270
amended. Territorial extent and classification: NI. Local. - Available at
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/nisr/2013/123/contents/made. - Non-print
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
World Bank.
Directions in development.
The future of water in African cities: why waste water? - Michael Jacobsen (editor), Michael Webster (editor), Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy (editor). - 224p.: 23 cm. - - £23.50 - 9780821397213. Order here
Directions in development.
Takaful and mutual insurance: alternative approaches to managing risks - Serap O. Gonulal (editor). - xix, 204p.: 23 cm. - - £20.50 - 9780821397244. Order here
Directions in development.
World Bank studies