Daily List no. 117, for

Titles published on Wednesday 22nd June 2011

The Daily List is divided into Parliamentary Publications, Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Scottish Official Publications, Northern Ireland Assembly Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.


Issued on 21st June 2011

House of Commons bills - Session 2010-12

Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill.. - [1], vii, 187, [2]p.: 30 cm. - Government bill published 21 June 2011. A Bill to make provision about legal aid; to make further provision about funding legal services; to make provision about costs and other amounts awarded in civil and criminal proceedings; to make provision about sentencing offenders, including provision about release on licence or otherwise; to make provision about bail and about remand otherwise than on bail; to make provision about the employment, payment and transfer of persons detained in prisons and other institutions; to make provision about penalty notices for disorderly behaviour and cautions; and to create new offences of threatening with a weapon in public or on school premises. Explanatory notes to the Bill, prepared by the Ministry of Justice, are published separately as Bill 205-EN (ISBN 9780215558732). - £12.00 - 9780215558282. Order here

House of Commons bills - Explanatory notes - Session 2010-12

Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill explanatory notes.. - 116, [1]p.: 30 cm. - These notes refer to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill as introduced in the House of Commons on 21 June 2011 (Bill 205, ISBN 9780215558282). - £9.00 - 9780215558732. Order here

House of Lords bills - Session 2010-12

Education Bill amendments to be moved in grand committee.. - [4]p.: 30 cm. - £1.50 - 9780108483646. Order here

Localism Bill amendments to be moved in committee (supplementary to the revised marshalled list).. - 13, [1]p.: 30 cm. - £3.00 - 9780108483639. Order here

Command Papers (Cm.)

Breaking the cycle Government response. -Ministry of Justice. - [2], 13p.: 30 cm. - Government response to Cm. 7972 (ISBN 9780101797221). - £8.50 - 9780101807029. Order here

Legal aid reform in England and Wales the Government response. -Ministry of Justice. - [2], 283p.: 30 cm. - Government response to Cm. 7967 (ISBN 9780101796729). - £33.00 - 9780101807227. Order here

Government response to Justice Committee's third report of session 2010-11 the Government's proposed reform of legal aid. -Ministry of Justice. - [2], 36p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 681-I, session 2010-11 (ISBN 9780215557131). Dated June 2011. - £10.25 - 9780101811125. Order here

House of Commons papers - Session 2010-12

Appointment of HM Chief Inspector of Probation fifth report of session 2010-12: report, together with formal minutes, oral evidence and appendices. - Justice Committee - Sir Alan Beith (chairman). - [2], 15, Ev 6p.: 30 cm. - £6.50 - 9780215560148. Order here

Equality and Human Rights Commission annual report and accounts 1 April 2009 - 31 March 2010.. - Equality and Human Rights Commission. - Trevor Phillips (chair), Helen Hughes (interim chief executive officer). - [3], 128p., tables: 30 cm. - The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) was formed from the Commission for Racial Equality, Disability Rights Commission and the Equal Opportunities Commission. - £28.50 - 9780102972702. Order here

Met Office an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence: annual report and accounts 2010/11.. - Meteorological Office. - Robert Napier (chairman), John Hirst (chief executive). - [2], 64p., ill., figs, tables: 30 cm. - £15.50 - 9780102972184. Order here

House of Lords papers - Session 2010-12

Twenty-third report of session 2010-12 drawing special attention to: Jobseeker's Allowance (Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 2011/917); Child Trust Funds (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 2011/992); Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 2011/1000); Residential Property Tribunal Procedures and Fees (England) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 2011/1007); Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations and General Directions 2011 (S.I. 2011/1040); Freedom of Information (Removal of References to Public Authorities) Order 2011 (S.I. 2011/1042). - Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments - George Mudie (chairman). - House of Commons papers 2010-12 354-xxiii. - [2], 19p. : 30 cm. - £6.00 - 9780108473548. Order here

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)

House of Commons official report - [6th series] - ISSN 03098826 - Daily, unrevised

[Session 2010-12] Vol. 530. No. 173. Monday 20 June 2011. - iv, [1], cols 1 - 142, 1WS - 2WS, 1P - 2P, 1W - 130W, [5]p.: 30 cm. - £5.00. Available on annual subscription £865.00 - 9780215548832. Order here

House of Lords official report - [5th series] - ISSN 03098834 - Daily, unrevised

[Session 2010-12] Vol. 728. No. 167. Monday 20 June 2011. - cols 1035 - 1144, WS 93 - WS 100, WA 219 - WA - 264, [4]p.: 30 cm. - £3.50. Available on annual subscription £525.00 - 9780108481437. Order here

Statutory Instruments

This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.

Issued on 21st June 2011

Statutory instruments 2011

The Storage of Carbon Dioxide (Termination of Licences) Regulations 2011 - 12p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2) and Energy Act 2008, s. 31- Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 10.06.2011. Laid: 15.06.2011. Coming into force: 11.07.2011. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - EC note: These Regulations form part of the implementation by the United Kingdom of Directive 2009/31/EC on geological storage of carbon dioxide. - £5.75 - 9780111512463. Order here

The Nottingham Express Transit System Order (Amendment) 2011 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Transport and Works Act 1992, ss. 1, 5, sch. 1, paras. 3, 4. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 13.06.2011. Laid: -. Coming into force: 04.07.2011. Effect: S.I. 2009/1300 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - £4.00 - 9780111512470. Order here

The Media Ownership (Radio and Cross-media) Order 2011 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Communications Act 2003, s. 402 (3), sch. 14, paras 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 as extended by the Communications (Isle of Man) Order 2003. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 14.06.2011. Laid: -. Coming into force: 15.06.2011. Effect: 1990 c.42; 1996 c.55; 2003 c.21 and S.I. 2003/3198, 3299 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI (and certain provisions to IoM). General. - Supersedes Draft (ISBN 9780111506905). - £4.00 - 9780111512517. Order here

The Pollution Prevention and Control (Designation of Directives) (England and Wales) Order 2011 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999, sch. 1, para. 20 (2) (c). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 14.06.2011. Laid: -. Coming into force: 12.07.2011. Effect: S.I. 2010/75 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E/W. General. - EC note: This Order designates 22 Directives as relevant directives for the purposes of paragraph 20(2)(c) of Schedule 1 to the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999. - £4.00 - 9780111512494. Order here

The Diseases of Animals (Approved Disinfectants) (Fees and Amendments) (England) Order 2011 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Animal Health Act 1981, ss. 1, 84 (1). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 15.06.2011. Laid: 20.06.2011. Coming into force: 11.07.2011. Effect: S.I. 2007/448 amended and S.I. 2010/739 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. - £4.00 - 9780111512500. Order here

The Humber Bridge (Revision of Tolls) Order 2011 - Enabling power: Humber Bridge Act 1971, s. 10. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 17.06.2011. Coming into force: 22.06.2011. Effect: S.I. 2006/939 revoked. Territorial extent and classification: E. Local. - Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2011/1516/contents/made. - Non-print

Official Publications

Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

The London gazette - ISSN 03743721 - Daily

59827. Tuesday 21 June 2011. - p. 11729-11820: 30 cm. - £1.55. Available on annual subscription £390.00 - 9780116698278. Order here

The London gazette Supplement, Civil and military awards etc - ISSN 03743721 - Irregular

59825. Tuesday 21 June 2011. Imperial Service Medal. Supplement no. 1 to the London gazette of Monday 20 June 2011. - p. 11717-11718: 30 cm. - £1.25 - 9780116698254. Order here

59826. Tuesday 21 June 2011. Ministry of Defence. Supplement no. 2 to the London gazette of Monday 20 June 2011. - p. 11719-11730: 30 cm. - £3.25 - 9780116698261. Order here

The London gazette Supplement, Company law official notifications - Weekly

21 June 2011. Supplement to the London gazette of 21st June 2011. - 1 downloadable PDF. - [1495]p. - Free download from www.london-gazette.co.uk/ issues/823137/supplements/1. Complete file available by email @ £2.00 + VAT. - £2.00 + VAT - 9780116823137. Order here

Scottish Statutory Instruments

This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

Issued on 21st June 2011

Commencement orders

(bringing into operation an act or part of an act) 2011

268 (C.20)
The Damages (Scotland) Act 2011 (Commencement, Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2011 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Damages (Scotland) Act 2011, s. 19 (3) (4). Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2011 Act on 07.07.2011, in accord. with art. 3. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 15.06.2011. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 17.06.2011. Coming into force: 07.07.2011. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - £4.00 - 9780111014295. Order here

269 (C. 21)
The Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 (Commencement No. 1) (Scotland) Order 2011 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009, s. 149 (2). Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2009 Act on 24.06.2011. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 15.06.2011. Laid: 17.06.2011. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - £4.00 - 9780111014288. Order here

Scottish statutory instruments 2011

The North East Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 6) Order 2011 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss. 2 (1) (2), 4 (1), 14 (1) (a) (4). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 17.06.2011. Coming into force: 01.07.2011. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. Local. - Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/271/contents/made. - Non-print

The North West Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 6) Order 2011 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss. 2 (1) (2), 4 (1), 14 (1) (a) (4). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 17.06.2011. Coming into force: 01.07.2011. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. Local. - Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/272/contents/made. - Non-print

The South East Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 6) Order 2011 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss. 2 (1) (2), 4 (1), 14 (1) (a) (4). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 17.06.2011. Coming into force: 01.07.2011. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. Local. - Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/273/contents/made. - Non-print

The South West Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 6) Order 2011 - Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss. 2 (1) (2), 4 (1), 14 (1) (a) (4). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 17.06.2011. Coming into force: 01.07.2011. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: S. Local. - Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/274/contents/made. - Non-print

Scottish Official Publications

Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

The Edinburgh gazette - Twice weekly 26955. Tuesday 21 June 2011. - p. 1703-1730: 30 cm. - £0.95. Annual subscription £88.20 (2011 rate) - 9780114991326. Order here

Northern Ireland Assembly Publications

Northern Ireland Assembly debates

Official report (Hansard) - ISSN 14637162 - Twice weekly

Session 2011-2012. Vol. 65. No. 1. Part 1. Monday 20 June 2011 12.00 noon to 8.00 pm. - [2], p. 1-82, WMS 1 - WMS 5: 30 cm. - £5.00. Available on annual subscription £325.00 (2011 rate) - 9780339504882. Order here

- Irregular

Vol. 60 (17 January 2011 to 3 February 2011). - [4], iii, [3], 1 - 482; [2], WMS 1 - WMS 8, [2], CS 1 - CS 20, [2], WA 1 - WA 232, [2], RWA 1 - RWA 2; [2], IDX 1 - IDX 34p., hdbk: 31 cm. - £70.00 - 9780339800588. Order here

Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.

Issued on 21st June 2011

Commencement orders

(bringing into operation an act or order, or part of an act or order) 2011

224 (C.14)
The Justice (2011 Act) (Commencement No. 1) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, s. 111 (3). Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2011 Act on 05.07.2011 and 01.08.2011 in accord. with arts 2, 3. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 16.06.2011. Coming into operation: -. Effect: None. - £4.00 - 9780337984730. Order here

227 (C.15)
The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (2010 Act) (Commencement) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010, s. 26 (2). Bringing into operation various provisions of the 2010 Act on 01.08.2011, in accord. with art. 2. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 15.06.2011. Coming into operation: -. Effect: None. - £4.00 - 9780337984754. Order here

Statutory rules of Northern Ireland 2011

The Magistrates' Courts (Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982) (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2011 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: S.R. 1981/1675 (N.I. 26), art. 13 and Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, s. 48. - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 15.06.2011. Coming into operation: 18.06.2011. Effect: S.R. 1986/359 amended- EC note: The amendments are in consequence of the coming into force on 18th June 2011 of Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18th December 2008 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations. This Regulation applies to all Member States including Denmark by virtue of an Agreement made on 19th October 2005 between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark. The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments (Maintenance) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 2011/1484), which also comes into operation on 18th June 2011, make the main legislative changes needed in respect of the Council Regulation. - £5.75 - 9780337984778. Order here

The Child Support and Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: S.I. 1991/2628 (N.I. 23), arts, 18 (1), 19 (3) (5), 47 (1), 48 (4), sch. 1, para. 11 (1). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 17.06.2011. Coming into operation: 04.07.2011. Effect: S.R. 1992/340; 1999/162; 2000/215; 2009/133 amended/partially revoked. - £4.00 - 9780337984747. Order here

The Local Government (Contracts) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland 2011, s. 3 (2) (e) (f) (3). - Issued: 21.06.2011. Made: 15.06.2011. Coming into operation: 01.08.2011. Effect: None. - £4.00 - 9780337984761. Order here

Agency Publications

This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.

International Organization for Migration.

World migration 2010: the future of migrationbuilding capacities for change - ISSN 15615502. - 290p., col. maps, figs, tables: 26 cm. - On title page: Volume 5 - IOM world migration report series. - UN publication sales no. E.07.III.S.8. - £43.00 - 9789290685906. Order here

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

The Far Away from Home Club: HIV prevention and policy implementation feedback for migrant and mobile populations in the Mekong River Delta, Viet Nam. - 27p.: 30 cm. - Joint publication of the UNAIDS Programme and the WHO. - £6.00 - 9789291737321. Order here

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Implementing the tax transparency standards: a handbook for assessors and jurisdictions. - 2nd ed. - 224p., figs, tables: 25 cm. - £45.00 - 9789264107236. Order here

World Bank.

Urban development series Cities and climate change: responding to an urgent agenda - Daniel Hoornweg (editor) ... [et al.]. - 324p.: 23 cm. - Collection of papers prepared and presented at the World Bank's Fifth Urban Research Symposium. - £32.95 - 9780821384930. Order here

World Health Organization.

Systems thinking for health systems strengthening. - 107p.: 28 cm. - £15.00 - 9789241563895. Order here

World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western Pacific.

A revised framework to address TB-HIV co-infection in the Western Pacific Region. - viii, 77p., ill.: 30 cm. - £6.00 - 9789290613879. Order here