Daily List no. 180, for
The Daily List is divided into Parliamentary Publications, Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Official Publications distributed by TSO, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Northern Ireland Official Publications, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
Issued on 16th September 2010
House of Commons papers - Session 2009-10
Counter-terrorism measures in British airports Government response to the Committee's ninth report of session 2009-10: first special report of session
2010-11. - Home Affairs Committee - Keith Vaz (chairman). - 8p.: 30 cm. - Response to HC 311, session 2009-10 (ISBN 9780215545060). - £4.50 -
9780215554680. Order here
The work of the Home Office oral and written evidence, 15 July 2010: Rt Hon Theresa May MP, Secretary of State, Home Office. - Home Affairs
Committee - Keith Vaz (chairman). - [3], Ev 15p.: 30 cm. - £5.50 - 9780215554727. Order here
The Secretary of State's priorities for Wales oral and written evidence, Tuesday 20 July 2010: Rt Hon Cheryl Gillian MP, Secretary of State for Wales,
Ms Fiona Adams-Jones, Director, Wales Office, Mr Geth Williams, Head of Legislative Policy, Wales Office. - Welsh Affairs Committee - David T. C.
Davies (chairman). - Ev 11p.: 30 cm. - £4.00 - 9780215554703. Order here
Building schools for the future and future capital spending oral evidence, 27 July 2010: Tim Byles CBE, Rt Hon Ed Balls MP. - Education Committee
- Graham Stuart (chairman). - Ev 18p.: 30 cm. - £5.50 - 9780215554659. Order here
Delivering multi-role tanker aircraft capability second report of session 2010-11: report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence. -
Committee of Public Accounts - Margaret Hodge (chairman). - [2], 17, Ev 23p.: 30 cm. - The National Audit Office report on this topic published as HC
433, session 2009-10 (ISBN 9780102963588). - £11.00 - 9780215554628. Order here
Jim Fitzpatrick first report of session 2010-11: report and appendices, together with formal minutes and oral evidence. - Committee on Standards and
Privileges - Kevin Barron (chairman). - [2], 51p.: 30 cm. - £12.00 - 9780215554673. Order here
DFID's performance in 2008-09 and the 2009 White Paper Government response to the Committee's fourth report of session 2009-10: first special
report of session 2010-11. - International Development Committee - Malcolm Bruce (chairman). - 3p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 48-I, session
2009-10 (ISBN 9780215554642). That paper was a report on the 2009 White Paper (Cm. 7656, ISBN 9780101765626) and the Department's annual
report 2008-09 (HC 867-I,II, ISBN 9780102962154). - £3.00 - 9780215554642. Order here
Follow up on asylum cases and e-Borders programme Government response to the Committee's twelfth report of session 2009-10: second special
report, session 2010-11. - Home Affairs Committee - Keith Vaz (chairman). - 6p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 406, session 2009-10 (ISBN
9780215553775). That report was a follow-up to "The work of the UK Border Agency" (2nd report, session 2009-10, ISBN 9780215542465) and "The
E-Borders programme" (3rd report, session 2009-10, HC 170, ISBN 9780215542854). - £3.00 - 9780215554710. Order here
Shahid Malik second report of session 2010-11: report and appendices, together with formal minutes. - Committee on Standards and Privileges - Kevin
Barron (chairman). - 50p.: 30 cm. - £10.50 - 9780215554697. Order here
Draft Scottish Parliament (Constituencies and Regions) Order 2010 Wednesday 15 September 2010 - 5th Delegated Legislation Committee - Anne Main (chairman). - 18 cols: 30 cm. - £4.00 - 9780215551696. Order here
House of Commons official report - [6th series] - ISSN 03098826 - Daily, unrevised
[Session 2010-11] Vol. 515. No. 46. Wednesday 15 September 2010. - cols 863 - 1000, 245WH - 314WH, 39WS - 50WS, 9P - 10P, 1033W - 1122W, [3]p.: 30 cm. - £5.00. Available on annual subscription £865.00 - 9780215547538. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 16th September 2010
The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Belgium) Order 2010 - 16p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Taxation (International and
Other Provisions) Act 2010, s. 2 and Finance Act 2006, s. 173 (1). - Issued: 16.09.2010. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial
extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of the House of Commons. - £5.75 - 9780111501924. Order here
The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Cayman Islands) Order 2010 - 12p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Taxation
(International and Other Provisions) Act 2010, s. 2 and Finance Act 2006, s. 173 (1). - Issued: 16.09.2010. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect:
None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of the House of Commons. - £5.75 - 9780111501962. Order here
The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Federal Republic of Germany) Order 2010 - 32p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power:
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act 2010, s. 2 and Finance Act 2006, s. 173 (1). - Issued: 16.09.2010. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force:
-. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of the House of Commons. - £5.75 - 9780111501931. Order
The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Georgia) Order 2010 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Taxation (International and
Other Provisions) Act 2010, s. 2 and Finance Act 2006, s. 173 (1). - Issued: 16.09.2010. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial
extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of the House of Commons. - £4.00 - 9780111501955. Order here
The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Hong Kong) Order 2010 - 24p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Taxation (International
and Other Provisions) Act 2010, s. 2 and Finance Act 2006, s. 173 (1). - Issued: 16.09.2010. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None.
Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of the House of Commons. - £5.75 - 9780111501948. Order here
The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Malaysia) Order 2010 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Taxation (International and
Other Provisions) Act 2010, s. 2 and Finance Act 2006, s. 173 (1). - Issued: 16.09.2010. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: -. Effect: None. Territorial
extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of the House of Commons. - £4.00 - 9780111501979. Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The London gazette - ISSN 03743721 - Daily
59547. Thursday 16 September 2010. - p. 17921-18020: 30 cm. - £1.55. Available on annual subscription £390.00 - 9780116695475. Order here
Office for National Statistics.
United Kingdom balance of payments: the pink book - ISSN 09507558. - 2010 ed. - 224p., figs, chiefly tables: 30 cm. - Palgrave Macmillan is now the official publisher for the ONS. TSO continue to distribute ONS publications to UK government, local authorities, and the emergency services. All other customers, including public libraries, should contact Palgrave Macmillan on tel: 01256 302866, fax: 01256 330688, email: ons@palgrave.com and online: www.palgrave.com/ONS. - £55.00 - 9780230243774. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
Issued on 16th September 2010
The Education (Fees and Awards) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2010. - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Education (Fees and Awards) Act
1983, ss, 1, 2. - Issued: 16.09.2010. Made: 13.09.2010. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 15.09.2010. Coming into force: 07.10.2010. Effect: S.S.I.
2007/152 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - £4.00 - 9780111010198. Order here
Not every Northern Ireland publication will be available in all Stationery Office outlets. In such cases contact the Stationery Office Bookshop, Belfast.
Department of Finance and Personnel.
Department of Finance and Personnel memorandum on the seventeenth and nineteenth reports from the Public Accounts Committee session 2009-2010: combating organised crime. - 10p.: 30 cm. - Reply to the Public Accounts Committee (Northern Ireland Assembly) reports NIA 63/09/10R (ISBN 9780339603370) and NIA 70/09/10R (ISBN 9780339603400). - Free - 9780337096501. Order here
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
International Energy Agency.
Energy balances of non-OECD countries. - 2010 ed. - viii, [539]p., figs, chiefly tables: 27 cm. - On cover: IEA statistics. - £108.00 - 9789264084148. Order here
Energy statistics of non-OECD countries. - 2010 ed. - viii, [760]p., chiefly tables: 27 cm. - On cover: IEA statistics. - £108.00 - 9789264084100. Order here
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Committee on Fiscal Affairs.
Model tax convention on income and on capital. - 8th ed. condensed version 22 July 2010. - 466p.: 23 cm. - Supersedes the 2008 condensed edition (ISBN 9789264048188). - This publication is the eighth edition of the condensed version of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital. This shorter version contains the full text of the Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital as it read on 22 July 2010, but without the historical notes, the detailed list of conventions between OECD member countries and the background reports that are included in the full-length version.. - £62.00 - 9789264089488. Order here
United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
The global economic and financial crisis: regional impacts, responses and solutions. - 92p., col. figs, tables: 27 cm. - UN publication sales no. E.09.II.F.18. - £38.00 - 9789211205855. Order here
United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Comercio internacional
Weak links between exports and economic growth In Latin America and the Caribbean. - 50p.: 28 cm. - UN publication sales no. E.09.II.G.25. -
£7.50 - 9789211216929. Order here