Daily List no. 083, for
The Daily List is divided into Parliamentary Publications, Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Official Publications distributed by TSO, Stationery Office Publications, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Northern Ireland Assembly Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.
Issued on 29th April 2009
House of Lords bills - Session 2008-09
Cohabitation Bill (HL) marshalled list of amendments to be moved in committee. - [12]p.: 30 cm. - £2.50 - 9780108462054. Order here
Political Parties and Elections Bill amendments to be moved in grand committee (supplementary to the marshalled list). - [12]p.: 30 cm. - £2.50 - 9780108462078.
Order here
Business Rate Supplements Bill amendments to be moved in grand committee. - [4]p.: 30 cm. - £1.50 - 9780108462061. Order here
Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill (HL) marshalled list of amendments to be moved on third reading. - 15, [1]p.: 30 cm. - £3.00 -
9780108462047. Order here
Engaging communities in criminal justice. -. Ministry of Justice. Home Office. Attorney General's Office. - 115p., col. ill., col. figs: 30 cm. - Green paper/consultation
exercise dated April 2009. - £26.50 - 9780101758321. Order here
Third supplementary list of ratifications, accessions, withdrawals, etc., for 2008. - Treaty series (2008) no. 16. Foreign and Commonwealth Office. - [3], 44p.: 30
cm. - In continuation of Treaty Series no. 14 (2008), Cm. 7496 (ISBN 9780101749626). - £9.50 - 9780101760720. Order here
The Equality Bill how disability equality fits within a single Equality Act: third report of session 2008-09. - Vol. 1: Report, together with formal minutes - Work and
Pensions Committee - Terry Rooney (chairman). - 95p.: 30 cm. - £15.50 - 9780215529824. Order here
The Equality Bill how disability equality fits within a single Equality Act: third report of session 2008-09. - Vol. 2: Oral and written evidence - Work and Pensions
Committee - Terry Rooney (chairman). - [4], Ev 233p.: 30 cm. - £21.50 - 9780215529817. Order here
The Electoral Commission corporate plan 2009-10 to 2013-14. - Electoral Commission - Jenny Watson (chairman), Peter Wardle (chief executive). - 26p., col. ill.:
30 cm. - £7.95 - 9780102959109. Order here
Addressing the environmental impact of government procurement. - National Audit Office. - 37p., col. ill., figs: 30 cm. - £14.35 - 9780102954753. Order here
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets resource accounts 2008-09 (for the year ended 31 March 2009). - Office of Gas and Electricity Markets. - Alistair
Buchanan (accounting officer and chief executive). - 52p.: 30 cm. - £9.50 - 9780102959437. Order here
Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill (HL) fifth report of session 2008-09: report, together with formal minutes and oral and written evidence. - Home Affairs
Committee - Keith Vaz (chairman). - 31, Ev 196p.: 30 cm. - £23.00 - 9780215529800. Order here
Mandarins unpeeled memoirs and commentary by former ministers and civil servants: Government response to the Committee's fourteenth report of session 2007-08:
second special report of session 2008-09. - Public Administration Select Committee - Tony Wright (chairman). - 3p.: 30 cm. - Government response to HC 664, session
2007-08 (ISBN 9780215523433). - £3.00 - 9780215529923. Order here
Legislative scrutiny Welfare Reform Bill; Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill; Health Bill: fourteenth report of session 2008-09: report, together with
formal minutes and written evidence. - Joint Committee on Human Rights - Andrew Dismore (chairman). - House of Commons papers 2008-09 414. - [2], 133p.: 30
cm. - £17.50 - 9780104425121. Order here
The Bradford and Bingley PLC Transfer of Securities and Property etc. (Amendment) Order 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 320) Tuesday 28 April 2009 - 5th Delegated Legislation Committee - David Amess (chairman). - 14 cols: 30 cm. - £4.00 - 9780215531919. Order here
House of Commons official report - [6th series] - ISSN 03098826 - Daily, unrevised
[Session 2008-09] Vol. 491. No. 66. Tuesday 28 April 2009. - cols 681 - 848, 183WH - 245WH, 41WS - 44WS, 1149W - 1284W, [3]p.: 30 cm. - £5.00. Available on annual subscription £865.00 - 9780215528568. Order here
[Session 2008-09] Vol. 710. No. 66. Tuesday 28 April 2009. - cols 101 - 210, GC 1 - GC WS 11 - WS 16, WA 23 - WA 34, [1]p.: 30 cm. - £3.50. Available on annual subscription £525.00 - 9780108460050. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 29th April 2009
The Cat and Dog Fur (Control of Import, Export and Placing on the Market) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European
Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: 22.04.2009. Laid: 24.04.2009. Coming into force: 31.05.2009. Effect: SI 2008/2795 amended. Territorial
extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. General. - EC note: These Regulations amend the 2008 Regulations (S.I. 2008/2795) to provide that regulation 4 which confers
powers of forfeiture on enforcement agencies, applies only in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This Statutory Instrument has been made in consequence of a defect in
SI 2008/2795 (ISBN 9780110847467) and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that Statutory Instrument. - £4.00 - 9780111478608. Order here
The European Parliamentary Elections (Returning Officers' Charges) (Great Britain and Gibraltar) Order 2009 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: S.I. 2004/293,
reg. 15 (1). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: 23.04.2009. Laid: -. Coming into force: 24.04.2009 in accord. with art. 1 (1). Effect: S.I. 2004/1298 revoked. Territorial extent
and classification: E/W/S/Gib. General. - £4.00 - 9780111478639. Order here
The European Parliamentary Elections (Local Returning Officers' Charges) (England, Wales and Gibraltar) Order 2009 - 12p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: S.I.
2004/293, reg. 15 (1). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: 23.04.2009. Laid: -. Coming into force: 24.04.2009 in accord. with art. 1 (1). Effect: S.I. 2004/1299 revoked.
Territorial extent and classification: E/W/Gib. General. - £5.50 - 9780111478646. Order here
The Carbon Accounting Regulations 2009 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Climate Change Act 2008, ss. 26 (1) (2), 27, 90 (3). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: -. Laid:
-. Coming into force: 31.05.2009. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament. - £5.50 -
9780111478516. Order here
The Carbon Budgets Order 2009 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Climate Change Act 2008, ss. 8 (1). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: In
accord. with art. 1. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament. - £4.00 - 9780111478592.
Order here
The Climate Change Act 2008 (2020 Target, Credit Limit and Definitions) Order 2009 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Climate Change Act 2008, ss. 6 (1) (a)
(4), 11 (4) (5), 30 (2). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: -. Laid: -. Coming into force: 31.05.2009. Effect: 2008 c. 27 amended. Territorial extent and classification:
E/W/S/NI. - For approval by resolution of each House of Parliament. - £4.00 - 9780111478523. Order here
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The London gazette - ISSN 03743721 - Daily
59049. Wednesday 29 April 2009. - p. 7287-7378: 30 cm. - £1.55. Available on annual subscription £390.00 - 9780116690494. Order here
Integrated tariff of the United Kingdom - ISSN 02620421
May 2009. - 2009 ed [CD-ROM version]. - 1 CD-ROM - Also available (on subscription) on paper, combined paper + CD-ROM, online only, online + paper, or online + CD-ROM. This issue supersedes the April 2009 edition (ISBN 9780117835405). Network CD also available. - Available only on annual subscription £260.00 exclusive of VAT (2009 rate) - 9780117835412. Order here
Integrated tariff of the United Kingdom - ISSN 02620421
May 2009. - 2009 ed. Amendment no. 4 - : May 2009 -- ca. 300p. , looseleaf with binder holes: 30 cm. - Also available (on subscription) as a CD-ROM or as a combined paper + CD-ROM format. This amendment contains reprints of parts of certain Chapters. - Available only on annual subscription £260.00 (2009 rate) - 9780117835306. Order here
Office for National Statistics.
Financial statistics - ISSN 0015203X - Monthly
No. 564. April 2009 - Natu Somabhai Patel (editor). - 288p., chiefly tables: 30 cm. - Palgrave Macmillan is now the official publisher for the ONS. TSO continue to distribute ONS publications to UK government, local authorities, and the emergency services. All other customers, including public libraries, should contact Palgrave Macmillan on tel: 01256 302866, fax: 01256 330688, email: ons@palgrave.com and online: www.palgrave.com/ONS. - £50.00 Annual subscription including Explanatory handbook £390.00 (2009 rate) - 9780230579859. Order here
Civil Aviation Authority.
Mandatory requirements for airworthiness. - [Consolidated ed. 30 April 2009]. - [924]p., ill., tables, ring binder: 30 cm. - Supersedes March 2009 consolidated
edition (ISBN 9780117922334). With spine card. - £63.50 - 9780117922518. Order here
Mandatory requirements for airworthiness. - Amendment 4/2009 to CAP 747, dated 30 April 2009. - [104]p., looseleaf with binder holes: 30 cm. -
Amendments to the February 2009 consolidated edition of CAP 747 (ISBN 9780117922211). - £14.00 - 9780117922525. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
Issued on 29th April 2009
The Adoption Agencies (Scotland) Regulations 2009. - 36p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Adoption and Children (Scotland) Act 2007, ss. 8, 20 (1), 37, 106, 117
(2). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: 22.04.2009. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 23.04.2009. Coming into force: 28.09.2009. Effect: None. Territorial
extent and classification: S. General. - £9.50 - 9780111004838. Order here
The Rural Development Contracts (Land Managers Options) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2009. - 20p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European
Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: 22.04.2009. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 23.04.2009. Coming into force: 15.05.2009.
Effect: S.S.I. 2008/159 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. - EC note: These Regulations amend the Rural Development Contracts
(Land Managers Options) (Scotland) Regulations 2008, which introduce measures to supplement Council Regulation (EC) No. 1698/2005 which lays down
general rules governing Community support for rural development (financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development established by
Council Regulation 1290/2005 and Commission Regulations 1974/2006 and 1975/2006. - £5.50 - 9780111004845. Order here
The investigation of suspected contract fraud. - Northern Ireland Audit Office.- [7], 53p., col. ill., col. figs, tables: 30 cm. - £5.00 - 9780337091841. Order
Official report (Hansard) - ISSN 14637162 - Twice weekly
Vol. 40. No. 4. Tuesday 28 April 2009. - [2], p. 167-192: 30 cm. - £5.00. Available on annual subscription £325.00 (2009 rate) - 9780339503311. Order here
This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.
Issued on 29th April 2009
The Whole of Government Accounts (Designation of Bodies) Order (Northern Ireland) 2009 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Government Resources and
Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001, s. 15 (1). - Issued: 29.04.2009. Made: 24.04.2009. Laid: -. Coming into operation: 18.05.2009. Effect: None. - £5.50
- 9780337977602. Order here
This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.
Council of Europe.
Trends in social cohesion
Well-being for all: concepts and tools for social cohesion. - 182, 188p., figs, tables: 24 cm. - In English and French. - £63.00 - 9789287165053. Order here
International Energy Agency.
Energy policies of IEA countries: Luxembourg 2008 review. - 93p., figs, maps, tables: 23 cm. - £54.00 - 9789264043411. Order here
Nuclear Energy Agency.
Natural tracer profiles across argillaceous formations: the CLAYTRAC project - Martin Maczurek ... [et al]. - 361p., col. figs, tables: 27 cm. - On cover and title page: Radioactive waste management 2009. - NEA no. 6253. - £63.00 - 9789264060470. Order here
United Nations. International Narcotics Control Board.
Guidelines for governments on preventing the illegal sale of internationally controlled substances through the internet. - v, 16p.: 30 cm. - UN publication sales no. E.09.XI.6. - £10.50 - 9789211482362. Order here