Fire Safety – Risk Assessment

Healthcare Premises

Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Department for Communities and Local Government
Price: £51.00

    'Fire Safety – Risk Assessment: Healthcare Premises' is for all employers, managers, responsible persons, occupiers and owners of premises in England and Wales where the main use of the building or part of the building is to provide healthcare including:

    • Hospitals

    • Medical centres

    • Other healthcare premises

    'Fire Safety – Risk Assessment: Healthcare Premises' will not be intended for use in care and nursing homes, rehabilitation premises, day-care centres with no residential clients, sheltered accommodation, out-posted nursing care in single private dwellings and staff accommodation.

    This guide is divided into two parts:

    • Part 1: Explains what fire risk assessment is and how you might go about it. Fire risk assessment should be the foundation for all the fire precautions in your premises.

    • Part 2: Provides further guidance on fire precautions. The information is provided for you and others to dip into during your fire risk assessment or when you are reviewing your precautions.

    Appendices provide supplementary information.

    Fire safety law changed in October 2006

    New fire safety rules affecting all non-domestic premises in England and Wales came into force on 1 October 2006, in accordance with the 'Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005' (S.I. 2005/1541, ISBN 0110729455), available below. The new law:

    • Emphasises preventing fires and reducing risk

    • Makes it your responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone who uses your premises and in the immediate vicinity

    • Does away with the need for fire certificates

    These guidance notes will help you to comply with the new law. There are 12 'Fire Safety - Risk Assessment' Guides in the series and one Supplementary Guide – 'Means of Escape for Disabled People' – all of which are available below.

    Extent 159 pages ISBN 9781851128242
    Size A4 Price £51.00
    Format Paperback Published 31 Oct 2006
    Availability In Stock: 1 - 2 days Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges