Fire Safety - Risk Assessment

Residential Care Premises

Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Department for Communities and Local Government
Price: £21.00

    'Fire Safety - Risk Assessment: Residential Care Premises' is suitable for all employers, managers, responsible persons, occupiers, employees and owners of premises in England and Wales where the main use of the building or part of the building is to provide residential care. It will be intended for non-domestic residential premises with staff in attendance at all times and where many, most or all of the residents would require carer assistance to be safe in the event of a fire i.e. where residents would not be able to make their way to a place of safety unaided. These could include:

    • Residential and nursing homes

    • Rehabilitation premises providing residential treatment and care for addiction

    • Care homes and care homes with nursing (as defined by the Care Standards Act).

    'Fire Safety - Risk Assessment: Residential Care' is not for day-care centres with no residential clients, sheltered accommodation where no care is provided, hospitals, out-posted nursing care in single private dwellings.

    This guide is divided into two parts:

    Extent 152 pages ISBN 9781851128181
    Size A4 Price £21.00
    Format Paperback Published 17 Aug 2006
    Availability Out of Print: but may be available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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