Dale and Appelbe's Pharmacy and Medicines Law- Twelfth Edition


David H Reissner, Christopher A. Langley
Price: £59.00

    The new 12th edition of Dale and Appelbe's Pharmacy and Medicines Law is the definitive guide to law and ethics for pharmacy practice in the UK. It covers law and professional regulation and is firmly established as the definitive reference work and student textbook on this subject in the UK.

    This edition has been extensively restructured and revised to include all the most recent changes to pharmacy laws and regulation.

    Key Benefits

    • New editors: David H Reissner, a solicitor and deputy district judge Christopher A Langley Professor of Pharmacy Law and Practice and Head of Aston Pharmacy School at Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

    • Revised and restructured new edition of a highly successful text

    • New chapters: introduction to the law, criminal and civil liability and medical devices and other

    • More case law than in previous editions to illustrate application of law

    Dale and Appelbe's Pharmacy and Medicines Law is an invaluable essential resource for pharmacy professionals and students who need access to current information on British law relating to medicines, poisons and the practice of pharmacy.

    Extent 608 pages ISBN 9780857114204
    Size N/A Price £59.00
    Format Paperback Published 30 Jul 2021
    Availability Out of stock - available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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