British Standards

Positive pressure self-contained open-circuit breathing apparatus: Specification

BS 8468-1:2020

British Standards Institution (BSI)
Price: £116.00

    Part of the 'Respiratory protective devices for use against chemical biological radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents' standard.

    Specifies requirements for positive pressure, self-contained, open-circuit breathing apparatus (SCBA) intended to be used during fire-fighting, rescue, evacuation, escape, hazard containment and decontamination, and similar activities by emergency first responders.

    Applicable to Type CBRN3 devices. Type CBRN3 devices provide protection against hazardous particular matter and gaseous and liquid chemical agent permeation and penetration.

    Requirements for methods of and criteria for decontamination of respiratory protective devices (RPD) are not covered.

    Extent N/A ISBN 9780539055177
    Size A4 Price £116.00
    Format Paperback Published 25 Aug 2020
    Availability Out of stock - available to order Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges

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