Northern Ireland Assembly

Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries

98/11-15, First Report of Session 2011-15, Volume One - Together with Minutes of Proceedings and Minutes of Evidence

Northern Ireland Assembly - Committee for Culture, Arts & Leisure
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £29.50

'Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries (98/11-15)' raises two key questions: why are the Creative Industries in Northern Ireland not fulfilling their potential?; and what can be done to facilitate the development of and capitalisation on this potential?

The Committee examine the potential economic benefits, and also highlight the key challenges currently facing the creative sector, looking at how better networking locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, as well as better co-operation and collaboration amongst the key stakeholders, could facilitate the further development of the Creative Industries in Northern Ireland.

Throughout this Inquiry the Committee has maintained the belief that there is considerable potential for the Creative Industries to contribute not only to the economy of Northern Ireland, but also to the development of all the people, as well as schools, colleges and universities. The report illustrates awareness of the close economic relationship between the Creative Industries and other sectors, and calls for a more joined-up approach to provide a clear identity and branding for the sector. This would allow for the Department to make its leadership role clear.

There is also scope for the development of skills and employment in rural communities through the Creative Industries within the 'Urban/Rural Linkages' and 'Rural Economies' themes from the 'Rural White Paper Action Plan'. Around 35% of Northern Ireland's population live in rural areas and it is important that their needs are considered in any major policy.

This Inquiry reflects Members' belief in a bright future for the Creative Industries in Northern Ireland and the Committee looks forward to taking forward its findings and recommendations.

Extent 424 Pages ISBN 9780339604698
Size A4 Price £29.50
Format Paperback Published 12 Mar 2013
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