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Report on Creating Effective Partnerships between Government and the Voluntary and Community Sector

Northern Ireland Assembly Report NIA 24/11-15, Third Report of Session 2011-2012 - Report, Together with the Minutes of Proceedings, Correspondence and Minutes of Evidence

Northern Ireland Assembly: Public Accounts Committee
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £14.00

'Report on Creating Effective Partnerships between Government and the Voluntary and Community Sector (NIA 24/11-15)' is the Public Accounts Committee report on the complex relationship between the public sector and the Voluntary and Community Sector (the Sector) which has lead to over-bureaucratic, disproportionate and risk-averse approaches to monitoring of funding and lack of focus on what is actually being delivered.

The need for a joined-up approach, particularly in relation to funding is seen by the Committee as an opportunity to drive forward change and improve accountability.

The Committee has welcomed the recommendation of an annual report to the Assembly on the working of the Concordat which will include:

  • information on concerns raised by funders and funded bodies and on the actions taken to address these;

  • an annual assurance statement on the operation of the Funders' Database;

  • the progress being made by the working groups established under the Concordat; and

  • assurances that good practice guidance is being applied by all public sector bodies, in particular in relation to prompt payments, appointment of lead funders, proportionate monitoring and audit and focus on outcomes.

The Concordat between Government and the Sector must go beyond fine words and there needs to be a concerted effort by all public bodies and organisations to actively implement and live by its values and principles.

Extent 114 pages ISBN 9780339604124
Size A4 Price £14.00
Format Paperback Published 18 Jan 2012
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