Fire Service manual: Vol. 2 Fire service operations 3rd ed., 2008 (2nd impression 2009)

Corporate Author:
Great Britain H.M. Fire Service Inspectorate, Great Britain Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £24.16

    Incident command systems are vital for managing risk within fire brigades. This new and updated edition of 'Incident Command: Fire and Rescue Service Manual - Volume 2: Fire Service Operations' develops the subject, particularly in the area of dynamic risk assessment and command competence. This guide details the doctrine of the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) in the context of operational incident management, leadership, and the functional command and control processes that flow from it. This new edition of the manual also reflects the need for Fire and Rescue Services to be able to work effectively within a broader multi-agency incident management framework. Further to recent legislation this publication offers guidance in respect to the increasingly broad role of Fire and Rescue Services in incidents other than fire. This role is then considered in relation to the capacities, objectives, and constraints of other responding agencies.Essential reading for Fire Brigade Service managers and those involved in incident response across all of the emergency services.

    Extent 147p. ISBN 9780117541283
    Size N/A Price £24.16
    Format PDF Format help (opens in new window) Published 18 Jul 2014
    Availability Available Immediately