A Practical Guide To Project Planning: A Step-by-step Approach - PDF

Rod Sowden
TSO (The Stationery Office)

Browse inside A Practical Guide to Project Planning

Price: £28.00

    This title provides a step-by-step guide to creating and implementing a successful project plan, it describes the various roles, techniques and responsibilities of planning a project.

    Key features:

    • A practical guide on planning for project managers who want to deliver success

    • Relates to any framework of project management

    • Each chapter includes techniques, examples and highlighted tips

    • Readers are led through simple and complex case examples bringing project planning to life

    • The appendices include a list of project plans and a project plan summary

    • Written by highly experienced authors

    No matter which project management framework you are using, effective planning is crucial for success. This publication leads you through each stage of the planning process: defining, designing, developing and delivery, highlighting the practical steps for each. Role responsibilities, requirements and objectives are discussed in detail with case studies included to highlight the practical applications.

    This title has been written by authors who have been involved with numerous global consultations in project management. Using a step-by-step approach, the authors share the knowledge, experience and expertise for developing and delivering successful plans for project management.

    Publication reviews:

    Extent 116 pages ISBN 9780117082861
    Size 5.2Mb Price £28.00
    Format PDF Format help (opens in new window) Published 20 Apr 2016
    Availability Available Immediately Availability help (opens in new window)

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