Managing Benefits - Optimize the Return from Investments


Steve Jenner
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £55.00

    This guide provides managers and practitioners from multiple disciplines, working in a wide variety of organizations, and in all sectors, with generally applicable guidance encompassing the principles, practices and techniques of benefits management. Specifically, this guide provides:

    • An overview of benefits management - what it is, the case for doing it, and some common misconceptions that can limit its effectiveness in practice.
    • Descriptions of the seven principles upon which successful approaches to benefits management are built, and examples of how they can be applied in practice.
    • Details of the five practices in the benefits management cycle, and examples of how they can be applied in practice.
    • Guidance on how to apply benefits management at a portfolio level as well as at an individual project or programme level.
    • Advice on how to get started in implementing effective benefits management practices and how to sustain progress

    New to the 3rd Edition:

    The new edition of Managing Benefits takes the opportunity to incorporate examples, case studies and references from the industry developments made since the previous edition a decade ago. Jenner has enhanced the guidance to reflect developments in related areas such as project, programme and portfolio delivery frameworks (including Praxis); strategy execution and the relationship between benefits and the OKR framework; and clarification on how benefits management is relevant to all project and programme delivery methodologies, including agile, hybrid and the more traditional methodologies.

    Author Bio:

    Steve Jenner was previously director of Criminal Justice IT, where his portfolio and benefits management approach won the Civil Service Financial Management Award and was featured as a Gartner case study and OECD best practice. He contributed to portfolio and benefits management for the UK Cabinet Office, led research for the OGC PPM Standards Group, and is a frequent speaker, trainer, and author in the field. Steve holds professional accounting qualifications, an MBA, and a Master of Studies from Cambridge University.

    Key Sales Points:

    • The guide also provides the basis for accredited examinations from APMG International (see https://

    • Consolidating in one place existing good-practice guidance on benefits management.

    • Expanding on the existing guidance by illustrating the theory with practical applications, examples and case studies from a variety of settings from around the world (including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, the UK, and USA).

    • Representing an authoritative guide to effective benefits management reflecting the collective expertise and experience of a wide range of experienced practitioners, academics and thought leaders.

    • Incorporating practices and lessons learned from a variety of disciplines - not only project and programme management (PPM) but also management accounting, economics, behavioural finance, change management, systems thinking, psychology and neuroscience

    Target Audience:

    This guide applies to all sectors, jurisdictions, and types of projects or programs. The principles and techniques covered are also useful for optimizing benefits from an organization's assets and BAU. However, the primary focus is on realizing benefits from change initiatives, including those managed by formal PPM methodologies.

    The target audience therefore encompasses all those with an interest in ensuring the best use of taxpayers' and shareholders' funds and other scarce resources, by optimizing the benefits realized from change initiatives. This multidisciplinary group includes:

    • Change leaders, e.g. sponsors / senior responsible owners / project executives and portfolio directors

    • Change initiators, e.g. strategic planners and policy leads

    • Change appraisers and evaluators, e.g. business case writers and appraisers

    • Change implementers/enablers, e.g. portfolio, programme and project managers, as well as change managers

    • Change support staff, e.g. portfolio, programme and project office staff, including benefits managers

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    Extent 286 pages ISBN 9780113318605
    Size N/A Price £55.00
    Format Paperback Published 16 Oct 2024
    Availability In Stock: 1 - 2 days Availability help (opens in new window) Delivery Delivery options and charges