TSIM: The Telehealth Framework - A comprehensive guide to telehealth implementation and optimization
eBook version
Author: TSIM: the Telehealth
Publisher: TSO (The Stationery

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The Telehealth Service Implementation Model (TSIM) is a structured framework for the development, implementation, and long-term sustainability of telehealth services.
Key features:
TSIM has evolved from the extensive telehealth experience and expertise of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).
The comprehensive model developed by MUSC provides a six-phase approach, a common terminology, and standardised processes to address the challenges of digitising healthcare. It helps you to recognise your organisation's strengths and weaknesses, and set it up for success.
TSIM is intended for telehealth leaders and teams that are responsible for their organisation's digital transformation efforts. TSIM helps leaders simplify and deliver the complex process by providing a clear roadmap and structure.
Telehealth holds the potential to significantly improve the way healthcare is delivered and accessed, and TSIM provides the roadmap for a digital transformation that will deliver efficient, effective, and high-quality care.
"TSIM logically and concisely covers the breadth of effort required to transform health care practice over distance with virtual tools. Students of TSIM will feel fully equipped to bring innovation into reality."
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About MUSC
MUSC began its
telehealth journey in 2005 with an innovative endeavor to improve maternal
fetal health in a rural, medically underserved region of the state . Over an
eight-year period, physician innovators at MUSC continued to develop telehealth
services through grassroots initiatives and ad hoc funding mechanisms to
mitigate health disparities across South Carolina.
In 2013, with around a dozen MUSC telehealth services functioning at different levels of maturity, the South Carolina Legislature invested telehealth funding through MUSC. MUSC was charged with creating a statewide telehealth network and developing telehealth services that addressed the needs of South Carolina communities.